El Dorado. 2.

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"Yeah?" A man's voice fills the sentimental moment between the father and daughter in front of me, making me groan in annoyance, "Well I could."

"I've been waiting for you to show face, Andrei." I shove off the tree I'm leaned into, putting my cigarette out before turning to him, "I was beginning to wonder if I actually killed you."

Andrei hops down from the higher part of the cliff, aiming his gun at my dads head, "You almost did, my love, I barely made it to St. olives before bleeding out."

I fake a pout, "Well then you shouldn't have been stalking JJ, I wouldn't have had to chase you down and shoot you."

He rolls his eyes, "I just wanted to have a little chat with him, that's all." He turns to John B that now has Wards gun aimed at him, "Toss it."

"You do realize we're surrounded right?" A laugh ripples out of me when he nervously looks around after picking up the gun my brother dropped at his feet, "I've got about a dozen people lurking in the shadows watching us right now, all of their guns are on you, waiting for my signal to put a bullet through your skull."

"I don't believe you." He steps closer, yanking me away from JJ and Matias who are frozen in place since his gun is wildly aiming at anyone that moves, "Just like Singh got separated from them earlier, I think you were left defenseless."

"You want to bet on it?" I bite my lip when I turn around to face him, "Try something so we can see if they're there or not."

He raises his gun to my head, the slightest bit of a shake to his hand, "Если смерть - это то, что объединяет нас, то пусть будет так." (If death is what brings us together then so be it.)

"Я не умру за тебя, Андрей." (I won't die for you, Andrei.)

"I meant what I've told you before," His thumbs clicks his safety off, "if I die then you die." 

As soon as my fingers form a peace sign at my side a bullet wizzes past us, hitting the tree right behind him, his body freezes for a second before he drags me closer to use my body as a shield, his gun presses into the side of my jaw, "I warned you."

"Take me to El Dorado, you owe me that much after I saved you from your dad almost shooting you last night." He flickers his eyes between mine, both of us ignoring the gasps behind me, "Then we can finish this conversation."

"There is no more city of gold, my dad is a selfish man that would rather kill me and Singh than share the wealth." My voice goes up a notch, anger settling into my body while I look over at my dad, "What were you going to do with the money?"

My dad weakly glances up at me, finally looking me in the eye, "Pay off the house--"

"I already did that, think of something else."

He furrows his brows for a moment, "Um, buy a new fishing boat and fund more treasure hunts. I'd fix up the house and help John B with whatever he needed."

I slowly nod while my brother scoffs, "Do you want to know what Singh and I planned to do with our portions?"

"I don't really care."

"We were going to give back to the world, dad." Tears run down my cheeks, making my voice thick with emotion, "We were going to fund organizations to help the less fortunate, I was going to donate to the battered woman's homes across the nation, we wanted to give large sums to villages that need simple things like food and water. And of course we were going to invest into our companies, all while you wanted to do selfish things for yourself and your favorite child. But you destroyed the gold and killed Singh so now he doesn't get to see all the good things we could have done for people in need."

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