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Trigger Warning: Rape and self harm.

I've been silently smoking from my bong while sitting on the porch, Kie giving me and Sarah sad looks while we watch the boys celebrate with beers inside the house. Neither of us have talked since we were at Heyward's, not like there's much to say right now, life's been kicking us both for a while, me especially. I already know what it feels like to lose it all, so watching Sarah go through that for the first time makes me want to go snort a few lines and dance the night away. Which I will be doing in a few hours, thankfully.

Kook Group Chat

M > Tesoro, it's happening..

R > I need you Kaily.

R > Please.

T > Ward is on the My Druthers.. this isn't good.

                                                       I'm coming, Rafey. <

R > Something is wrong. He's acting weird.

M > Maybe you shouldn't come for this, baby.

                                                                           I have to. <


"Sarah, we have to go to Tannyhill." I scramble to my feet, my phone in my hand when I run across the porch, "I'm leaving!" I yell into the backdoor, starling the boys, "We have to hurry."

"What's happening?" Sarah chases after me, the sound of the porch door slams behind us while we dash for my car.

My breath comes out as a pant while I fumble the key into the ignition, "It's ward."

"I need to be there for Wheezie!" Sarah cries while putting her seatbelt on.

We fly backwards at the same time Kie and the boys get to the driveway, they watch us flip a tight U-turn before jumping into the Twinkie, following after us.

I know I'm driving too fast but that's the point of a Porsche, my mind fights off flashbacks from the past, this isn't the time to remember things right now.

"Are they arresting him?" She blubbers, her hands gripping her seat.

"I don't know. I.. I think so." I keep my eyes on the road, seeing a caravan of police vehicles flying past us on a road up ahead, making me nervous, "Rafe said Ward was acting weird and is on the boat so I'm not sure what's going to happen at the end of all of this."

"He's really going away."

We share a pained look, our gaze now on the house that has dozens of cops and SBI agents running through the yard.

"I know, Sarah," I take a deep breath while screeching to a stop next to Matias car in the driveway, "you ready for this?"

"No but we have to go through it anyways." She squeezes my hand on the gear shifter, "I love you, Kaila."

"I love you too." I flinch when my door jerks open, hands grab me out, but the smell of my best friends cologne filters into my nose when I'm pulled into a tight hug, "I've got you, Rafey."

He sniffles while burying his face in my hair at my neck, my hands run up and down his back, "I can't handle this."

"Me either." I press kisses to the side of his face, "But we have each other."

"We need to get down to the dock," Matias voice makes us break apart, he caresses my face when he see's my tears, "Tesoro.."

"I'll be okay baby, I have y'all." My hands wrap around his bicep, both of us slowly following Rafe and Tianna after they ran off.

Missing - JJ MaybankDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora