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I've been in bed for a while, probably a week or so, usually just writing or reading. Everyone filters in and out, talking to me until I've stayed quiet long enough that they get bored or awkward. Either JJ or Matias are with me at all times, if JJ is gone for his classes or work, Matias is here, he does work from his laptop or talks to me if I decide to respond.

My decline was due to a few things, but one main reason was Rafe took Tianna to his house, so we've been separated after being joined at the hip for an entire month. I guess we were too dependent on each other so everyone decided that getting some space to work on our independence was a good idea, but then she had a mental breakdown and won't leave the house so I haven't seen her since. I guess I'm no different, every time I go farther than the yard I freak out, love that for me.

Another reason I went from okay to not okay was because of falling into another trance, thinking I could hear Andrei talking outside made me flip shit on JJ and John B since they wouldn't give me a weapon to protect myself with, it was extremely embarrassing to wake up the next morning and remember it all. Especially since I cried for Matias until he showed up after they called him, fuck I am insane now and I probably made JJ feel like shit since I depend on my ex lover so much to feel safe. It's not like I don't think he can protect me, but I've had the same person watching over me for so long, getting me out of scary situations and having my back to the point that he's pretty much always a few steps behind my shadow, so when I'm scared, I need Matias.

My thoughts continue to swirl while I sit in bed catching up on emails on my laptop, my business in Barbados now something I feel like I'm ready to take some control over again. I'm thankful Singh has been handling most of it, which was part of our agreement when he sent me here since he knows the ins and outs of our operation there, though we have a pretty tight knit team that helps run most of the day to day.

My finger hovers over the pad, while I glance over at JJ, seeing he's busy on his phone. When I look back to my screen I click the other tab on my browser, taking myself back to the google search of Denmark Tanny and everything involving his life. The thing that caught my eye earlier catches my attention again, making me debate on how I want to proceed.

Fuck it.

"Jay," My hands close my laptop while my body shifts until I'm sliding off the bed, "I have an errand to run."

He shuffles off the bed, turning me away from my dresser, "Okay, that's.." He searches my face for a moment, "what day do you think it is?"

"I'm not in a trance," My voice goes quiet, "I just have to go do something real fast."

"I'm going with you." He moves my hair to be tucked behind my ears, rubbing his thumbs down my cheeks, "Where is this errand?"

"You can come only if you're down to do something illegal." I giggle when his eyebrows shoot damn near to his hair line, "It'll be fine though, it's not dangerous. I don't expect it to be anyways."

"Kaila, what are you planning?" He wearily watches me dress in all black, "Please tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours, because you're worrying me."

My eyes dance with amusement when I turn to him, "Just trust me or stay here."

"I am not staying here unless you do." He sighs when I start to leave the room, his hand grabs my elbow stopping me, "Let me change first, okay? Don't leave without me."

"Okay baby." I press my lips to his, smiling when we break apart, "I feel okay today."

"I'm glad," He murmurs, his soft ocean eyes take in my features before he sighs and turns to grab clothes from the drawer over flowing with his shirts, "but if you start to not feel okay, we're coming back home, sound good?"

Missing - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now