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Kaila's POV

Its been three weeks away from home.

Three weeks of constant torture. I'm tired.

Three weeks of being completely shattered into billions of pieces.

I hate the world. I hate the universe. I hate it all.

My body is being submerged into water over and over. My lungs begging for air every time I'm forced under. I won't survive this for much longer, my bodies too tired to go on, and so is my mind.

Just give in, Kaila. Let the water end it all.

I feel hands pulling me out of the water right before I fade into the darkness. My body lurches forward gasping for air, my screams bounce around the concrete room when pain fills my entire being. Pain from being broken, pain from losing myself in the process, pain from my injuries. I know the world will see these photos and videos they take of me, they've shown me my Instagram, shown me the posts they're taunting my love ones with. At least they know I'm alive, but at what cost. My sanity is gone, my will to live is gone, my fight has been long gone. I'm a shell of a body, my mind shattered to pieces, beyond repair I'm sure.

"Take her back to the room." Andrei demands, "Bring Tianna in."

Hands grab my naked body from the water and drag me to my room. I'm dropped to the floor, sobs escape me when they drag Tianna away, her screams echoing down the hallway and into my shattered mind. I lay on the floor in a ball, water still soaking my skin while I wish the world away.

Leave me alone thoughts. Leave me alone. LEAVE ME ALONE.

I have no idea how longs its been but now Tianna is curled into a ball on the floor with me. The water pooled under us while we cry together. My thoughts continue to drown me, as if I'm still in the water.

Once we finally pick ourselves up from the floor and force ourselves to get dressed, we resorted to the only thing that takes the edge off the pain. I feel guilty while I watch Tianna snort coke next to me, she was never into hard drugs before this, and now we're passing a rolled dollar back and forth through out the day. Our only escape from this hell on earth.

"Rafe is going to be disappointed in me for this." She leans back against the side of the bed, "I know he does it but he always liked that I was clean."

"I think he will understand why we're doing it, Tia. This shit sucks." I give her a sympathetic look before snorting my last line, "There's worse things to be hooked on anyways."

She sighs and helps me clean up our mess, "I know, but now I'm a damn addict. I can't go more than two hours and my hands are shaking. I don't know how you did this everyday for so long."

"It helped me through a lot of bad shit. I needed it." I weakly defend myself, "And I was surrounded by it since Rafe and Mati like doing it with me."

"I mean I get why y'all enjoy the rush, it definitely helps you take your mind off things, but I'm just worried about how I'll be once we get out of here."

"We can worry about that when the times comes." I push myself up off the floor and lay across my bed, "Lets get some sleep. I'm sure tomorrow won't be any better than today."



Its been three stupid weeks.

Three weeks of constant stress.

Three weeks of being broken. Everything makes me breakdown now.

I don't work because I can't stand to hear people talk about Kaila and Tianna. I barely leave the chateau now. Its just me, a bottle of jack Daniels, and the pogues, plus Rafe and Matias when they come over which is everyday.

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