Poguelandia. Do it.

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Trigger Warning: Detailed hallucination during sex, mentions/accusations of rape and abuse. Suicide attempt.

We've been on this island for exactly one week and it's been refreshing for my fears of being found by Andrei but taxing on my unstable mind. I'll be fine one second and then crying the next, it's embarrassing and I keep accidently wondering off when I dissociate so someone is always tasked with watching me. That makes me feel like shit, I feel like an inconvenience and like I might be annoying everyone. Not to mention I've been craving cocaine, getting clean sucks and doing it while being as hungry and tired as I am, it's horrible. I feel on edge and like I'll snap at any moment.

I sigh when I come out of my zoned out state, avoiding everyone eyeing me while putting a woven hat my brother made onto my head, "Bree, truth or dare?"

He plops down next to Sarah on the logs we have around our firepit, a wide grin on his face, "Truth sister."

I smile when JJ bumps his shoulder with mine, his body facing the opposite way towards the ocean, "If you could go back in time and do anything different, what would it be?"

"Get the gold out before ward." JJ answers for my brother, twisting his body to see him nodding in agreement.

"Maybe hide the cross a little better." Pope frowns to himself.

"Not yell murderer at Ward, maybe." Kie gives a guilty look to everyone, letting her eyes linger on JJ, making him shift uncomfortably and look away.

"Uh," John B pauses to think of his own answer, catching the woven hat when I toss it to him, "steal a couple bottles of rum before we jumped off the boat."

"Why didn't you do that?"

John B scoffs at my boyfriend, "Maybe because I was in a fight to the death?"

Cleo chuckles, "I would look both ways before crossing the street."

"That was my bad," John B grimaces while dropping the hat on his girlfriends head, "Sarah, truth or dare?"

She smiles, "Truth."

"If Ward offered you the gold to leave with your family, would you?" He watches her with a hopeful look, as do the rest of us.

Her smile widens, "Hell no." She slips the hat off to put her hair into a sloppy bun while looking around the group, "Cleo, truth or dare?"

Cleo looks up from the knife she's twirling in her hands, "Truth."

Sarah ponders on what to ask for a moment, "If you knew we would end up stranded on this island, would you have still left with us?"

She nods while catching the hat, "Being with you guys has been the best thing in my life, so I'd follow you guys anywhere."

"Tesoro," Matias murmurs in my ear, "te seguiría hasta los confines de la tierra." (I'd follow you to the ends of the earth.)

I grin at him, "Sé que lo harías y lo has hecho, mi dulce Mati." (I know you would and you have, my sweet Mati.)

"I love you guys' friendship so much." Cleo happily sighs, the hat falls to cover her eyes so she laughs and takes it off, "It's really sweet how much you care about each other."

"Thanks." I smile at her while leaning into Matias side.

She looks around the group before settling on Kie, "Truth or dare?"

Kie catches the hat next, setting it at an angle on her curly hair, "Truth."

"If you could go back to your parents house right now, back to figure eight or whatever the rich side of your island is called, would you?"

Missing - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now