Super Kook.

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^ Kaila's house aesthetic. ^

My eye's flutter open, dread fills me when I realize I'm not on Poguelandia anymore, my body stiffens when I have a lapse in memory on where I am.

"You're okay, Kaily." Rafe's sleepy voice sounds calms my nerves.

I snuggle into him, inhaling his cologne while Kie lays on my other side softly snoring, "I'm sorry. I forgot where I was."

"You're fine." His fingers run through my hair, "Tianna has been super worried about you, she'll be happy to hear you're still alive."

I let out a quiet laugh, "I am very much alive."

"Thank goodness for that." He presses a kiss to my hairline, "I love you."

"I love you too, Rafey."

We both sit up when the door opens, causing Kie roll abruptly roll over and groggily rub her eyes. Singh has his business face on, he's dressed like he's about to handle things, letting me know my days about to get very interesting. And by the way he's looking at me, I'll be the one doing his dirty work, per usual.

"Kaila, come with me," Singh gestures to the door, "Mr. Cameron, Ms. Carrera, go to the window for a demonstration."

"Demonstration my ass, it's called murder." I grumbled while I slide off the bed

Rafe and Kie give me alarmed looks before I disappear out the door. I let my eyes wander the house as we walk from room to room until we're in the backyard, I notice Matias first, he seems relieved to see me but he's still tense since Jimmy Portis is a few feet away and Singh his now handing me Matias gun.

"Singh don't make her do this!" Jimmy begs while Matias holds him still, "She's not apart of this."

Singh clicks his tongue against his teeth before flashing his scary smile, "She's very much apart of this. She owns half the family business, you know."

I glance up to the window to see Rafe and Kie watching every move we make, "Carlos, do we need the theatrics? Why does Rafe and Kie have to watch us handle business?"

He stares at me while running his hand over his beard, "They need to understand what being associated with you entails. And they need to know what will happen to them if they cross us."

"Why is Matias here?" My eyes flicker over to his conflicted expression, "Did he bring Jimmy here?"

"He showed up here yesterday to rescue you and Ms. Carrera but I told him to fetch Mr. Portis first."

"Mati." I tear my eyes off him when his dad sighs impatiently.

"Portis knows too much," Singh takes a few steps around me to gesture to our terrified guest, "you know we can't have him running around town telling everyone about our business so go ahead and take care of this."

I nod and move towards Jimmy, "I'm sorry, you know I don't have any other choice."

"You do!" Portis desperately exclaims, "You do have a choice, don't blindly follow him!"

"It's just business, Jimmy." My hands are steady when I aim the gun at him after Matias steps away, "Don't take it personal."

Maceo's voice starts to echo in my mind; It'll be okay, my love, it's just how business goes sometimes. You'll get used to it. Now pull the trigger just like this.


Jimmy's body hits the ground with a thud, my ears ring while I lower the gun, letting Matias slip it from my fingers while his arm wraps around my head to drag me into a tight hug. My body molds to his when I hug him back, my face buried against his clean shirt, looks like he was able to shower and change.

Missing - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now