Cat's Ass.

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Trigger Warning: Emotional scene and final thoughts before death.

JJ is right, who am I? I'm definitely not the girl he supposedly fell for, though I'm beginning to wonder if he even knows what it means to fall for someone. Because for someone that says he loves me, he hurts me every chance he gets by either finding things to throw in my face or by getting with the same girl over and over again.

I know I'm different. Maceo changed me, but I'm not a horrible person, then again, maybe I am. I've done things, participated in things that make me questions my morals, seen things that make me sick. My anger pops out sometimes and then I turn into this woman that Maceo molded to his desires, he always wanted a strong feminine presence at his side to take over the world with. The dark angel by the devils side, as he'd say from time to time. I gave into that fantasy sometimes, I let him control me and change me into someone I couldn't recognize. Matias kept me from jumping all the way into the lifestyle, he kept me on the ledge with one foot on each side, pulling me back every time Maceo tried to drag me down with him.

My thoughts cut off when ringing comes through Matias' car speakers, my eyes focus right when he accepts the call, "What's up man?"

"We need to find Kaila," Rafe rushes out, his voice fills the small space, "she can't go home. The cops are looking for her. I tried calling her like 50 times but she won't answer, can you check her location?"

"I've got her." Matias glances at me, concern in his expression when he sees my emotionless face, "She isn't doing good, I'll tell you what happened later. We need to get her off this damn island until we can sort out this mess, I've been driving for hours now because I don't know where to fucking take her."

"Fuck," Rafe shuffles around, "my dad said we can use the plane if we need to send her somewhere for now, he can have it ready to go tomorrow. I'm betting they're watching you so be careful."

"Do you think they know where I live yet?" Matias turns down a street I don't recognize in Figure Eight, "I put it in an alias name like Maceo did."

"I don't think so, when they stopped by earlier to look for her, they asked us if they knew where you were staying and if you'd been around Kaila lately." Rafe pauses to listen to Tianna saying something I can't make out, "Alright, my dad's paid one of the cops off to give us details to stay ahead, so you might be good to go home."

"I hope so," Matias leans forward to look around while pulling into his long driveway, "cause we're here. I'm gonna go clean her up, she's got blood all over her face."

"What? Why?"

"Some dude named Barry jumped her." Matias caresses my face after he parks, "She was holding him at gun point when I got there but shit went south again after her friends jumped into the fight, JJ decided to break her heart again."

He broke me again. Pain, so much pain.

Rafe groans, "You've got to be fucking kidding me, I'm gonna have a word with them both. I thought I squared that shit away with Barry. What'd JJ do?"

"Broke up with her after saying some shit about her life with Maceo but she can hear us, I'll tell you later so she doesn't have to relive the moment."


"Rafey." My voice comes out hoarse, making me cringe internally.

"I love you." Rafe softens his tone, "I'll see you soon, okay? For now I want you to stick with Matias, don't go anywhere without him."

"I know. I love you too." I sniffle, "See you soon."

He sighs, "I'll talk to you later, Matias."

Missing - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now