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My eyes flutter open, an unfamiliar room surrounds me but Matias cologne fills my nose so I don't panic. Every muscle in my body aches when I sit up and glance around, a smile crosses my face when I see how clutter free and perfect everything is. Matias has always been a tad OCD, that's why he's always so well dressed and his houses are always clean to the point where you wonder if someone even lives there.

"Tesoro." Matias walks in, his soft eyes flicker over my body.

My arm aches so I look down, frowning when I see a fresh bandage wrapped around my bicep, "What happened after we texted?"

He sits down next to me, caressing my face, "That crazy old woman was walking around with a gun, I got you in my car and brought you here." He chuckles, "I have to get my car fixed, she peppered the side."

I grimace, "I'm sorry, Mati. I can help pay for it."

"No, it's fine." He shifts to lean back against the headboard, "I had a doctor swing by to check your arm, he ended up stitching up the gash since it was pretty deep."

"I have horrible luck," I cross my legs after turning to fully face him, "thank you for helping me."

"You're welcome." He twirls his thumbs together in his lap, deep in thought for a moment before looking back up at me, "Tesoro, why were you even there?"

I sigh, dropping my shoulders down in defeat, "We were looking for the royal merchant gold, but I got separated from everyone inside the house while we were turning the breakers off. Then they left me behind after the gun came out."

His face twists in surprise, "They left you?"

"Yeah they did. I don't know if they just didn't realize it because of being scared of the lady or if they decided to let me find my own way out. I'm hoping they did it on accident."

"Either way they could have gone back," He caresses my face again, "by the time I got there they could have turned around and found you on the side of the road in the middle of a seizure like I did."

"Maybe." I move to sit next to him, letting him pull me close, "I should go see them, ask what happened. They could have found the gold and were too excited to notice my absence, which would be really shitty."

"I really hope that isn't the case." He feathers a kiss to my temple, "Mi Tesoro, you'll always be my gold."

"I know," I smile at him, "you're too good to me."

He shrugs, "It's what best friends do for each other right? Always have each others backs and shit."

"Yes it is." I pull my phone from my back pocket, "Lets see if they saw my texts earlier."

Pogue Group Chat

JJ > We can't find you, Kaila.

JB > Are you inside?

Pope > We're a little ways up the road, Kaila, the boys walked back but Mrs. Crain is still outside.

JJ > Princess please text us back.. I'm sorry we left.

JB > If you're inside, you can escape right now, find the backdoor since she's out front.

JJ > Kaila?

Pope > Guys, come back to the van. We've looked everywhere, she probably walked home. Lets go check again.

JJ > This shit is stressing me out.

JB > Me too, she wasn't in the backyard. The door was locked, I looked inside some of the windows, but I didn't see or hear anyone inside.

JJ > She wasn't in the basement, I'm coming back right now. Crazy Crain almost saw me.

Missing - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now