Chapter 18: Jack O'Lantern Part 1

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Mephisto: "Hmm....interesting." He said to himself and make him was smirk up and he was interesting at it and then Mephisto want to know more and then other demon who wants to know and he asked him.

???1: "So what do you want me to do, sir?" He asked Mephisto.

Mephisto: "Go out there and begin to search anything else around here in this world...and if you seen Ghost Rider...kill him that make me proud of it." He said to the unknown demon and make him was nod his head and he was begin to heading out to somewhere else in this world. When the unknown demon begin to heading out right away and he was really going out by himself and then he was float to where the other location is...and only Mephisto and the other unknown demon who was staying here with Mephisto.

???2: "What are you gonna do now, sir?" He asked him.

Mephisto: "Hmmm...let me think about I want you to stay here with me...and I need your help favor." He said to him and make the unknown demon who nod his head to him and then Mephisto was smirk up and he doesn't know where Lilith really is but he want to know where she is and he is going to kill her right away and Lilith is definitely powerful than Mephisto but she will kill him anything with her moves.

Then Mephisto must think and plan what next for what he must do and he will take this demon girl down by himself and he was tries to be winner right away.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When he was groaned as his eyes fluttered at the sound of someone was humming a little tune. He could feel the two very shapely, female forms pressed against him, but something caught him off. These were not the forms of Jean, Clare, Cynthia, and Tabitha...that they were different and (Y/N) can seen there were two of them and that is...Alicia and Beth. The twins who were sleeping there and they both were kind of cutes...and make (Y/N) smile little bit and then he was slowly got up from the bed and he stretching at himself and make him was breath out little bit.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Huh....I think it's going to be fun when I am gonna do the hunting." He said to himself and make him was still thinking about the past for what he really need to keep working with his own mission that he must fight and kill the other demons, criminals, and other scums in this world and then (Y/N) was going to take a shower right away and get dresses up with his clothes on and make him was take black clothes on.

Then (Y/N) stepped out of the bathroom by himself and make him felt much better to dressing on right away and when (Y/N) was stood right there and he was turn his head to look at the twins and make him was smile little bit and he just walk to the twins and kisses them in the heads. After he was done and make him was stepped out of the bedroom and he was walking downstairs right away and then he saw his wives are awake and they both were talking, and playing with the children.

Michele: "Hey, (Y/N)." She said.

(Y/N): "Michele..." He said to her and the two of them were hug and then they both were pulled into kisses right away.

Michele: "You seems to be wake right now." She said.

(Y/N): "So...where is Raki?" He asked her.

Michele: "He's heading out with Riful..and that boy with her going to live by themselves." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Really? That's great new for me....I hope he had a perfect beautiful life for himself and the Awakened One Riful." He said to her.

Michele: "I know...he's our son." She said to (Y/N) and make him was smile little bit and then he was hug her and when he was hug her and then he heard the chicken called out to (Y/N) right away and when the window was crashed through. This get the women were got themselves alarm and then they both turn their heads to look at Griffon was flying with a panic on his face.

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