Chapter 14: The Resurrections Of Teressa/Forest Fight

Start from the beginning

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "So they are in here.....You there....Fetch me the names of Sophia, Noel, and Teressa...immediately." He said to the other demon and make him was nod his head and then he was heading out right away and fetch the three souls for what (Y/N) gonna take a look at it and when he was sat there on the throne of the hell and make him just chilling little bit and then (Y/N) just thinking about what happened and he needs to kill more these Youmas and then he heard about the new of the demon servant who told (Y/N) about the other demon Mephisto is out there and he is going to take the throne by himself.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "*Mephisto...wherever you are....I'll kill you right here and right now.*" He thought himself.

Demon 1: "Um, sir!" He said to (Y/N) and make him turn his head to look at the demon.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Yes...." He said.

Demon 1: "I have them here." He said to him and make the King Of Hell nod his head and he was turn his head to look at the three souls where the cages is and then they both were resting for themselves and make (Y/N) was thinking in his head and he was sigh out and he told him.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Leave us quietly." He said to him and make him nod his head and heading out right away and make (Y/N) was got up from the ground and then he turn his head to look at the woman who was in there....Teressa...the name of the person for what Clare was describe at it. When (Y/N) was raise his right hand change into blue flames and he was touch the cage with blue flames consume at the woman and make the cage was broke off and then the woman was gasped out in surprise.

Teressa: "*BREATHING* *BREATHING*" She was breathing out and make her turn to look around and she saw herself that she was in the hell where she is and make her said.

Teressa: "W-What? W-What happened? Where am I? What is this place?" She asked herself.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "You are in hell, woman." He said to her and make her was turn to look at (Y/N) who with his Ghost Rider form with King Of Hell like this and he stare at her down there and then she was fear and surprise to seen (Y/N) was become something more fearsome and when he stare at her like that just creep her off.

Teressa: "W-Who are you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I am

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(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I am....Ghost Rider....The King Of Hell. You must be Teressa...Clare's mother." He said to her and make her was surprise to heard the name of Clare and she was about to ask (Y/N) and he raise his hand up to her and he said.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "She is fine...there's no need to worrying about...she is alright with me and I shall explaining the whole things to you." He said to her and make her nod her head and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at Noel and Sophia who are the only left that (Y/N) gonna use his Angel ability power to healing these two up immediately and he wouldn't let them to be torture in this hell place.

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