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They finished their shower as they cleaned off, both giggling and positively beaming at each other at every turn. Gwen couldn't remember the last time she felt like this, a truly happy person where everything just felt right. They laughed as they found their clothes ripped to shreds, with Gwen's simple wave of a wand putting them back together again. Edward cooked her something quickly, making sure she ate every bite before they left their home.

Gwen and Edward took their time walking from their home and back to the Cullen house, hand in hand. She felt sore as they walked, not regretting their mating from the previous night and morning, but more so, she took it as a reminder to stretch before her activities with her vampire.

"What's so funny?" Edward asked her, watching her closely as he continued to beam and be amused by her.

"I was thinking that maybe you've been holding back on me, there was a new you that came out back there" Gwen grinned, remembering Edward's sudden possessive nature that came out during their peak.

Edward grimaced, "It was something that overcame me, I knew I wanted to be the only one for you. I felt as this new sensation of protectiveness over you, not that you need it. And--"


"That we belonged to each other, that you belonged to me. And I--"

"Belong to me?"

Edward nodded, "I apologize if it was too--"

"No" Gwen grinned, as Edward leaned in to kiss her. "I liked it."

Edward looked quite pleased as he pulled away from her, only for Gwen to pull him back to her lips as his hands wandered to her waist and hers wrapped around his neck.

The raven-haired woman felt her heart racing as he pressed her against a tree, her mind wandered to their moments in the shower as her hand wandered down his chest and suddenly--"We need to stop" Gwen giggled, as Edward's mouth wandered to her neck as she felt her heart hammering in her chest as she knew they were moments away from making love once more.

"This urge never does quite go away, does it?" Edward murmured, as he forced himself to pull away from her, leaning against the tree with rapid breath.

"It's not wrong" Gwen smiled, kissing him gently. "A perfectly natural feeling."

"A human feeling?" Edward asked.

"One we won't have to limit ourselves from anymore" Gwen promised.

They arrived to the front of the Cullen home, Edward looking quite pleased as they walked in. Gwen was surprised that the rest of Edward's family was not there. She wondered if they had gone hunting or perhaps, giving them their space.

"It feels--" Gwen began, as Edward chuckled, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing it gently.

"I know" Edward said. "Eerily quiet."

"Can you 'hear' them?" Gwen asked him, as he shook his head.

"We're alone." He dropped her hand as she looked up at him, the two positively beaming once more at each other as she couldn't help but think of their intimate moments from the night before.

"I may not be able to hear your thoughts, but I still know what you're thinking" Edward murmured, as he leaned in to kiss her. Gwen laughed into his kiss as their tongues swirled in each others mouths. Everything seemed to disappear from around her as suddenly, Edward cupping her face as they breathed heavily into each other.

Gwen pulled away from him with a sly smirk, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

"I'll never think of anything else" Edward chuckled, pulling her back into him.

"Son!" Carlisle's voice called out as he cleared his throat loudly.

Gwen and Edward immediately pulled away from each other as Gwen felt her heart sinking, seeing the disillusionment charm fall from the living room, only to reveal the entire Cullen family with Astoria and a large floo-network fire before them.

Gwen felt her face burn as she looked around the room...The protective enchantments during meetings...She should have known there was something off since it had been so quiet when they walked in! Her eyes first landed on a pair of haunted brown eyes...Bella.

They had done their best to remain respectful in her presence, obviously until now. Bella was paler than usual, her brown eyes rounder than ever and looked as though someone had slapped her as her eyes were on Edward.

"They said you were ill" a familiar disapproving voice came from the fire.

Gwen felt a shutter as she knew Rhea's voice all too well. And suddenly, despite the blissful moments she had with Edward, reality had sunk in. There was no reason as to why Rhea or The Republic would be sending any correspondence. Gwen was to head to MACUSA on her own, meeting the envoy there...

"What has happened?" Gwen demanded, taking a step forward, no embarrassment lingering around her.

"It's gone..." Astoria gasped, as Gwen noticed the tears and panic in her eyes for the first time. "The Republic is gone...The-the trial was last night for us, this morning for them a-and--"

"Rhea?" Gwen demanded, stepping forward as a sudden ringing in her ears made her dizzy. What did this mean?! A sudden feeling of panic raised in her chest as Harry's face came to her mind...Of Alex...Of everyone stationed at the trail...Of Ron...

"We had only seconds, the Elves managed to get mostly everyone--"

"Harry?!" Gwen gasped, as she felt arms behind her holding her steady.

"He's alive" Rhea nodded in a strange voice, as Gwen's intuition kicked in.


"He's alive for now, he was too close to the blast trying to protect those inside. Gwen...He's asking for you. You should come."

"No, the plan--"

"MACUSA can wait" Kingsley's voice interjected. "We need you back here. Now." 

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