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"I will show Alex the grounds" Edward said calmly, looking away quickly from Gwen, as though nothing had occurred just seconds before.

"We won't take too long" Carlisle smiled, walking in as he led Gwen to sit down at the nearby bed.

As Gwen followed Edward's father, she was quite aware that Carlisle most likely heard everything that they had been saying. She was grateful for his tact, pretending he did not hear a thing.

"For privacy, I think this will be best" Edward insisted, as Alex looked to Gwen.

"What do you think?" the blond man asked her.

"I-it's fine, go one ahead" she said quickly, wanting nothing more than to separate herself from Edward for a few minutes.

She waited until Edward and Alex had made their way out of the room, until she turned to Carlisle as he had her lay back as he checked her head for bruising. Carlisle walked her through his process, letting her know exactly where he was going to examine her at and what the machines he was putting her in would do. She appreciated his walk through, seeing as she sometimes had no idea what was happening.

The process was not as quick as Carlisle stated, as even felt herself dozing off at one point. She followed his direction quietly, as he inspected and muttered things here and there, writing notes down as he continued to instruct her.

"Do you treat other humans here?" Gwen asked, as she was on her back looking around at Carlisle's office.

"No" Carlisle smiled kindly. "I actually had this room added to my office when Edward began to see Bella. She often got into many accidents, you see."

"Ah" Gwen said, remembering the photograph of Bella and Edward's wedding day and not knowing what to say to that. Did his family hate her for the wedding going wrong? Edward's sister Rosalie certainly made her feelings known.

She closed her eyes as she tried to not think of what almost happened and the guilt building in the pit of her stomach. She only opened them once more as Carlisle's cold hands touched her shoulder, as he examined the venom underneath her skin. As he inspected her, she took a moment to peer up at his golden eyes, as she felt a warmth coming from them.

"Do you remember something about me?" Carlisle asked curiously, his eyes turning away from her odd marking as he met her brown eyes.

Gwen couldn't help but smile as she realized she shouldn't have been staring so long, "No, but you do seem familiar. Like we met not too long ago."

"You are quite right" Carlisle said warmly, leaning back as he continued on. "And when you get these feelings, do you go back to a specific memory or is it more indulgent of your emotions?"

"Emotions, I would say. I get these feelings about people. I mean with you and Edward, it was very warm but also--" Gwen hesitated.


"No, sad" Gwen admitted quietly.

Carlisle smiled warmly, "Edward certainly doesn't seem sad, at least not now. We were quite shaken when we heard you had gone missing. Especially him."

The raven-haired woman felt shocked at his gentle words, and she must have looked it as Carlisle continued with a knowing smile.

"This must all be so confusing, I am sure I am not being helpful. But I do want you to know, Edward was happiest when he was with you. I've seen a lot of growth in him since he met you, not dealing in absolutes and finding worth in his abilities. Whatever may come Gwen, you are a part of us. At least, I see you in that way."

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