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Through the receptionists mind, Edward knew Gwen was on the second floor. After politely leaving the receptionists desk, he knew he needed to be sure she was not gravely injured. It took everything in him to not climb up there the second he knew where the raven-haired woman was. He kept himself together as best he could, forcing himself to walk out of there patiently and normally, just like any human would.

But as soon as Edward was out of sight from the clinic, he doubled back and climbed onto the top of the old building, finding Gwen through her faint scent and pulling open her window quietly.

He could hear a few nurses, about three who were scheduled for the night shift. He listened to their thoughts and knew they had done their rounds for the hour and would be leaving to refill the medication for the morning shift.

Quickly, he entered Gwen Organa's room and he froze as he set his eyes on her; her eyes were closed; she was laying in a bed helpless, as her copper skin dazzled in the moonlight; face bruised and swollen; her left leg in a cast; her hair black as midnight, pulled into a lovely braid that hung to her side.

Could a dead heart break?

It took the immortal seconds to comprehend it was actually her he was looking at, as his eyes widened in pure disbelief. When he finally came to his senses, Edward was immediately at her side, listening intently as he heard her heartbeat. It was one thing to see Gwen through the eyes of the receptionist, and another to see her in person.

With a wave of relief he heard her heartbeat. It was strong! She was alive!

She was human!

He let out a sigh of relief as he approached her, touching her face slightly and tracing her bruising. Her warmth that touched his hand was quicksand and he wanted to drown in it, to never pull free.

But he forced himself to turn away from her face, as he examined the IV's connected to her, knowing by her less than bronze complexion there was a huge loss of blood. The new blood pulsing through Gwen's body altered her scent in a way he should have anticipated, but it took him by surprise. He didn't like this change.

Edward reached for the raven-haired woman's chart, feeling guilty that he questioned the competency of the clinic as he saw in the chart everything had been done that could be done. Especially with their limited resources.

Gwen had a transfusion and an MRI, no serious internal injuries. Definitely broken bones, a bruised body...She had slipped into a coma for a few days...Though the doctor that had seen her, knew there was nothing left but to wait and see if she would return.

And she did...Edward thought weakly, feeling as though all the cells in his body were dying off one by one as he set her medical chart down.

Edward reached for her once more, his fingers carefully lingering against her braid.

Now there was nothing left but the waiting. Waiting for her to wake up. Waiting for her to tell him the details of how she escaped, and who had done this to her.

He felt his teeth grinding against each other, as his insides tore him apart thinking of the scene Alex had conjured up. It looked like a bloodbath...He knew they had been taken by surprise. Even Alex had said it had to have been someone close to them. Someone she trusted to catch her so off guard...

He traced her peaceful bruised face with his eyes, as the visions of pomegranate seeds and the underworld he believed in plagued his mind. This was his fault. Gwen would not be in that position if he had never entered her life. If he had just left her alone...And now, she was lying there broken because of it.

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now