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Bringing Draco and Astoria to the Cullen's home safely was no easy feat. The easiest explanation she could come up with was moving to make sure they were all in one location, not mentioning any of the conversation she had with Bella or Edward. She knew Astoria would see right through her. But Astoria and Malfoy both agreed and began to pack their belongings.

"Are you going to tell me the real reason we're going?" Astoria asked, cornering Gwen in her room.

"Bella called" Gwen said quietly, feeling a nervous knot in her stomach. "She wants to talk to me."

Astoria's mouth dropped wide open, "That's like huge, HUGE. What does she want?"

"She just said she wanted to talk. That I owed her...I mean, I can't blame her. She probably thinks I stole Edward away from her."

"It's not like you're the other woman! You didn't--"

"I did though" Gwen said quietly, pushing her hair back. "We didn't mean for it to happen. But it still happened. I'm sure it caught her by surprise...It did for all of us. The least I can do is--"

"NUH-UH! Do not go in there and allow her to make you feel bad for her! She's the one who got knocked up knowing he didn't have feelings for her anymore!"

"Regardless, I owe her this..."

———— ✦ ✦ ————

After consulting with Cal and those in their trusted circle, they lowered the defenses on the Cullen's home and Gwen was able to Apparate with Malfoy and Astoria directly to the front door. She took a deep breath as they arrived, inhaling the fresh pine and crisp autumn air. Whether it was because it reminded her of Edward, her time in Forks, or just the forestry in general, she truly felt as though she would never get over the natural scent.

Astoria took a few steps back, admiring the Cullens home. And she had a right to, it was exactly as Gwen remembered it. The house was timeless and graceful. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned.

Of course, Malfoy was not as easily impressed.

"This is where the vampires live?"

"Hush, or I'll put you in the dungeon" Gwen growled.

Edward opened the door in front of them a second later, his expression catching her off guard. There was pure suffering in his eyes, a burning agony she had recognized. And within seconds, there was a softening to his body as their eyes connected, though the pain was still searing somewhere lost in his golden eyes.

"Come inside" Edward said clearly, as Gwen could tell he was doing his best to sound normal.

He led them inside of the home, everything looking just the same as she remembered it. Everything perfect and pristine. And just as she was admiring the home once more, Esme Cullen appeared before them.

Gwen held her breath as she noticed the woman, as she knew all of the vampires in the home must have heard her heart fluttering in her chest. It was that moment that she realized what she had walked into. For the first time, she was walking into the home as the witch who destroyed their sons marriage to the muggle girl they all loved.

Though Edward stressed to her that it was in fact Esme and Alice who had encouraged him to follow his heart, Gwen still felt the sudden pang of guilt for what she and Edward had done to their family.

"We prepared rooms for all of you" Edward said, looking to Malfoy and Astoria.

Malfoy mumbled something under his breath, as Astoria nudged him.

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now