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"W-what?" Bella flinched with Edward's words, feeling a growing panic in her chest.

She pulled her knees up instinctively, and wrapped her arms around them. No, that couldn't be what she had heard...It couldn't be. This had to be some kind of joke. Some sick joke.

She was probably still dreaming! Yes, this was a nightmare. It couldn't be real. How could this be possible...And yet, Edward stood in front of her, looking quite concerned for her as he waited for a response.

Bella felt dizzy, like she was standing on an edge, a precipice somewhere much too high. This was all a nightmare...Nothing more than a nightmare...

She shook her head back and forth mechanically, trying to clear it, trying to wake up from the nightmare she was trapped in.

"Get dressed" Edward said softly, nodding to the clothes laid out in the chair beside Bella. "I set out some clothes out for you. I'll make you some breakfast and wait for you in the living room."

"Don't" Bella managed a whispered, feeling a deep pain throughout her body as she said the words. "Please don't do this. Don't ruin this for me."

"Please get dressed" Edward said once more in his delicate voice, turning away from her without a second glance.

———— ✦ ————

Edward acknowledged the blank look on Bella's face, as though attempting to distinguish if this was all a dream or if it was real. He noticed her trembling under the covers and he wondered if she was in shock...It was after all, a decision he had made on their wedding night...There was no crueler time than this.

But he could not hold on much longer. He could not damn them to such a miserable existence together. Even though he knew her to be happy, for how long could she be happy knowing he did not feel the same way for her?

With resolve, Edward turned away from her, hesitating only slightly with his hand on the doorknob, wondering if he should check on her. To make sure if she was okay...But in turning the knob, he knew once he said what he had to say, he would have time to comfort her.

He wanted her to understand.

It would not be like last time where he lied to her and left her on her own after her 18th birthday. No, this time it would be different. She would know the truth. The whole truth.

Bella would have his support. He would make sure she was taken care of. He would not convince his siblings to leave her. Bella would still have Alice, he would make sure of it. She would be connected to his family for as long as she needed them.

It was the least he could do.

Edward closed his eyes, placing his fingertips to his temple as he felt the guilt of what he had to do washing over him. Would his soul ever forgive him for hurting such an innocent human? He should have never let it get this far. He should have left Bella alone...He should have never returned back to her. He should have never put them in this situation.

And now, it was Bella who would be paying for it.

The remorse and guilt now burned in his throat as he checked his watch, it had been over forty minutes since he left Bella in the room. Surely, she had not fallen asleep once more?

Edward turned to the bedroom, listening intently to make sure she was still in there. Her heartbeat was faster than normal and yet, it sounded as though she had remained in the same location he had left her in.

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now