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When the potion hit her lips, Gwen knew there was no going back. But she preferred being awake than falling asleep and not knowing what was happening. Alex left her with much to think about, maybe decisions to be made at a later time. Because for now, her focus was getting her memory back, no matter how much it terrified her.

She knew being around people she once knew brought her a sense of familiarity, but no memories had come back to her. Though, being in familiar places did bring her some sense of comfort. Edward had mentioned to her that he recognized the song she had been humming not even five minutes before he arrived, he even played it in the car as they made their way to his house.

Alex complained the entire way there, stating he could have Apparated them in seconds. But Edward pointed out it might be good for Gwen to look around the town to see if something triggered her memories.

And the town of Forks did feel familiar, especially when they passed by the school. She could feel Edward's eyes on her through the front mirror, as though he was waiting for any recognition from what she was looking at. Or perhaps, he just wanted to know what she was thinking.

———— ✦ ————

When they arrived to Edward's home, she felt Edward's piercing gaze once more as her eyes dawned onto the home. She wasn't sure what he was expecting from her, but her first reaction was to feel impressed.

"This is beautiful" Gwen breathed, as she got out of the car. The house was timeless and graceful. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. The windows and doors were either part of the original structure or a perfect restoration.

Alex whistled, "You can't find one of these in Hogsmeade."

"My mother Esme, she deserves all of the credit. She spends her time on our home repairs, this one in particular, was a very special project for her."

"And no one ever bothers you?" Alex asked, looking around for signs of other humans.

"I believe the humans know or have some sense, to not come looking for us. This way, we're able to live open and free."

"It makes sense," Gwen said quietly. "You don't have to hide here."

Edward met her eyes once more, growing more gentle as he gave her a small smile, "Exactly."

As she continued to meet his golden eyes, she couldn't help but wonder if the satisfied smile on his face had to do with them having a similar conversation before. After all, as beautiful as the house was, it certainly did feel familiar...Like she had been there before, perhaps in a dream.

Before another word was spoken, the front door of the home opened gracefully as a handsome man with similar features to Edward smiled at them politely.

"Welcome" the man said, as he held his hand out to Alex. "I am Carlisle Cullen."

"Alex Scrimgeour" Alex replied, holding his hand out to greet Carlisle. "Pleasure is all mine. You must be Edward's...?"

"Father, for all intents and purposes" Edward said, as he guided Gwen to the door.

"Would have never guessed!" Alex exclaimed in surprise. "You don't look much older than me."

"He's 365 years old" Gwen said without thinking, as all the men turned to look at her in surprise. She opened her mouth slightly, looking around at all of them with a mirrored look of surprise, "I don't know where that came from--"

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now