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Edward tried to stay calm, to not panic. But his mind faltered at her words, of course she was joking...Right? She making one of her funny jokes to keep him on his toes? There was no way that--

"I'm sorry" Gwen said apologetically, as Edward could see the distress in her deep brown eyes. She creased her eyebrows, reaching for her head as he could see the dark shadows under her eyes.

Edward wanted to know what she was thinking. Her mind was closed, but her dark eyes were very open. The fact that he could not read wizard or witches minds had been quite a relief for him, except for now.

"I just--" Gwen attempted, looking as though she were focusing hard enough to will herself to remember him.

"Don't worry" Edward said gently, as he could see her easing at his words. "It's okay I--"

"Excuse me?" A new voice joined them, as Edward looked up to see a young woman in a white coat...The same woman he had previously noticed had been going in and out of Gwen's room. "What is going on in here?"

Oh shit, the receptionists thought, as panicked ensued within her. I was so caught up thinking of this man that I forgot we were supposed to notify the head doctor if anyone came looking for Eden! I'm going to get it now!

"Doctor Nivetha Nadar" the woman in the white coat said with a commanding presence, holding her hand out to Edward. Her almond shaped brown eyes lingered on Edward, shuddering as she tried to wave away her sudden spike of fear and adrenaline. She shook that off quickly, assuming she was just overtired...But even then, Edward could tell she certainly noticed something off about him.

"Edward Cullen, pleasure to meet you." Edward replied, surprised to see such a young doctor in charge. Then again, Carlise was only 23 and had been practicing for quite some time. Though, that was a different story.

There was a flicker of surprise in the woman's eye, as Edward knew from her thoughts, she had been stunned at Edward's mastery in the Spanish language.

"As I am sure my chatterboxes of receptionists have told you, your friend has been brought in under suspicious circumstances. They should have not allowed you to see her. I insist you speak with the police first."

"I understand," Edward said politely, though inside, he wanted to shove them all out of the room to speak to just Gwen alone. But he knew the Doctor was not asking, she was telling him. "Please let me know what I can do to prove I am just here to find my friend and bring her home. Her brother Cal Masen, called me and let me know she was missing. I was not far from here and he shipped me one of her ID's, I just wanted to identify her. I just want to make sure she is safe. Please."

"Please Doctor Nadar," Andrea pleaded in a small voice, cringing as the doctors eyes set on her. Edward could tell the receptionist had broken protocol, and she knew it. "You said so yourself, when Eden heard her name this morning, she recognized the name. Or at least, she said it was familiar. I just wanted Eden to see him, in case any memory came back to her--"

Edward was grateful to her, giving her a smile as Andrea's heart began palpating quite hard in her chest. In fact, Doctor Nadar contemplated Andrea's pleading, remembering that she was in fact, correct.

Eden had responded positively to hearing her name, perhaps if I stay in the room with with the boy...Doctor Nadar thought, as Edward hoped the woman would bend...Just this once.

"I think that would be a good idea" Gwen's voice pleaded, as Edward couldn't help but turn to lock eyes with her once more. In doing so, he heard Gwen's heart begin to race quite rapidly. "He looks familiar...I just can't quite remember--"

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