But I know better.


"Good morning, my son" Father greeted me when I came down in the dining area that morning. I was wearing these weird tight clothes he bought me. They were business clothes and I was not used to wearing that.

I looked at the huge table and heard a gasp.

There was a woman next to my father. That woman had dark brown hair, blue eyes, and she was pale and skinny.

I sat down across from them. The woman kept staring at me with a shocked look on her face.

I knew who that woman was, but just like she did years ago, I ignored her. Even if I wanted to greet her, my father would be livid if I did.

She went to speak, but my father shushed her, "Don't say a word"   he said under his breath.

It was a very disturbing scene.

Then he turned to me, with a smile, "Did you like your room? Was it comfortable?"

"Yes" I gave him a simple answer. I didn't want to sound too excited.

"Of course you would. You got used to living in that small dumpster all these years. You must be thrilled to have this room all to yourself now"

I held back my laugh. This person really thought a big and fancy room would have me "thrilled"

I could live in the streets if that meant I would be next to Hanon, but I didn't want Hanon to live like this.

"It was okay"

He didn't seem satisfied with my answer, but he let it go and continued eating breakfast.

"Did you sleep well?"


"Very well. Today, you will start your classes. You will start right after we finish breakfast"

I nodded. I was excited for that part, at least. I wanted to learn as fast as possible so that I could carry on with my plan as fast as possible.

"I also have a gift for you" He took out a box and slid it over to me. I caught it and looked at it.

It was a cellphone.

I knew what it was because Hanon had one of these, but it was small. She called me with that whenever I was home. She also wanted to get me one, but I told her there was no need since I didn't want her spending that much money on me.

"Open it. It's yours"

I opened the box. This cellphone was much bigger than Hanon's. It looked very high tech and was very sleek.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked.

"Yes. It's a cellphone"

He smiled, "Exactly. Do you know how to use one?"

I nodded. I knew only a little because Hanon showed me, but I would figure it out.

"Great! I give this to you, but I do have one request"

I knew where this was going.

"I will check your phone when I think something is suspicious. I don't want you getting carried away and using it for something that you shouldn't do"

"You don't trust me. I see"

"Of course I don't. Would you?"

"You're right. I wouldn't"

And I don't. 

He nodded with a smile. "I'm glad we agree. Now let's eat so you can start your class"

My Hanon Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora