Part 55 - Shyam's Return

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AR Industries

In the sprawling corridors of AR Industries, the name "Shyam" carried a weight that could be felt by all who heard it. For Arnav Singh Raizada, that name was a venomous echo from a past he had fought hard to bury. The employees knew the unspoken rule: mention that name, and you invited the wrath of their formidable boss.

One particularly unremarkable day, as Arnav immersed himself in a stack of reports in his office upstairs, his PA dared to interrupt his focus. Her voice quivered as she spoke, "Mr. Raizada, there's a man named Shyam waiting downstairs. He insists on seeing you."

The blood in Arnav's veins seemed to freeze at the mere mention of that name. Shyam. His jaw clenched, and he strode to the window overlooking the entrance of the building. There, he saw him, Shyam Jha, standing on the pavement, gazing up at Arnav's office, his hands folded in a gesture of submission. The years had changed Shyam's appearance, but not the memories that clung to his name.

"Tell him to go away, Sunita," Arnav ordered with a cold, steely tone. "If he misbehaves, call security."

The PA swiftly obeyed and relayed the message, but Shyam's response was far from what Arnav had expected. A crescendo of cries and shouts echoed through the marble lobby as Shyam's voice soared in desperation.

"Sahle Saab, please! Sahle Saab!" he implored, tears streaming down his face as he clutched his chest dramatically, playing the part of a broken man seeking redemption.

The security personnel, familiar with the enigmatic Mr. Raizada's commands, moved to intervene. They approached Shyam, holding him firmly by the arms, ready to escort him off the premises.

But Shyam's act was far from over. He fought against their grasp, a look of agony on his face as he pleaded, "I just want to talk to him, Sahle Saab. I promise I won't cause any trouble. Please, let me explain."

The security team hesitated, casting uncertain glances between their boss's office and the man who claimed to want a peaceful conversation. It was the sound of Arnav's voice that ultimately swayed their decision.

"Let him go," Arnav commanded, his voice cold as ice.

The security personnel reluctantly released their grip on Shyam, who quickly adjusted his shirt and brushed imaginary dust from his sleeves. He cast a sorrowful gaze at Arnav, his eyes brimming with a well-practiced sorrow.

Arnav descended the staircase, his steps deliberate and unhurried. He refused to let Shyam's presence disrupt his composure. Inwardly, he steeled himself for whatever twisted tale Shyam had concocted.

They stood face to face, separated by the cold distance of years filled with lies and betrayal. Shyam swallowed, his voice quivering as he addressed Arnav in a tone he had once used to manipulate and deceive.

"Sahle Saab, please forgive me. I know I've done terrible things in the past. I regret every moment of it. I've changed, Sahle Saab, truly changed. I just want a chance to explain myself, to seek your forgiveness."

Arnav's eyes bore into Shyam, a frigid gaze that had seen through countless layers of deceit. He had heard these words before, spoken by the same man who had nearly destroyed his family. Yet, as much as he despised Shyam, he couldn't deny a nagging curiosity about the purpose of this visit.

"Speak," Arnav commanded, his voice devoid of emotion. "But remember, Shyam, you'll never earn forgiveness from me."

Shyam's eyes welled with crocodile tears as he launched into his tale, weaving a narrative of transformation and remorse. But behind his façade of repentance, hidden in the depths of his cunning mind, lay a darker purpose—one that threatened to upend Arnav and Khushi's lives once again.

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