Part 47 - Fate Strikes

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The sun was shining over the streets of Paris as Khushi and Arnav explored the city of love. The kids were at the hotel. Arnav and Khushi arranged childcare at their hotel while they were spending time together. Ratna and Aditya were in good hands at the time and were looked after by experienced staff. Hand in hand, they strolled along the banks of the Seine, marveling at the beautiful panorama.

"Thank you so much Arnav, i am really enjoying this honeymoon." said Khushi resting her head on his shoulder. Arnav smiled down at her and kissed her head.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a loud screech and a dull thud shattered the peaceful atmosphere. The couple froze in shock as a car careened uncontrollably towards them. In a fateful moment of confuison and panic, they found themselves on the wrong side of fate.

"ARNAV!" Khushi pushed Arnav away and tired to save him from the crash. Arnav fell hard on the floor hitting his head.

Time seemed to stand still as the car collision abruptly interrupted their happiness. The impact was so intense that Khushi was propelled through the air and crashed onto the ground with a jarring force. Consciousness faded as the noise and chaos of the accident seemed to blur into the distance.

Arnav was paralyzed as he saw Khushi lying motionless on the asphalt. "Kh-" He could hear his pounding heart in his chest as he gazed upon her bloodied figure. He swallowed hard as a wave of despair and fear washed over him, realizing that their lives had been forever altered.

As the rescue personnel arrived and the chaos of the accident raged around them, Arnav desperately tried to reach Khushi and touch her face gently. "Khush.."

"Excuse moi monsieur, veuillez garder vos distances et vous tenir derrière la barrière de sécurité." said the police man. "THAT IS MY WIFE DAMNIT!"

"I am sorry but you have to wait here, we are doing our best to bring her back." he said and left Arnav alone. Behind him People who came closer to have a look at what happened.

"Khushi, please..wake up." he whispered with a trembling voice. But she lay there motionless, her eyes closed.


Arnav was at the hospital, sitting on a chair. His hands folded as he leaned forward and tried to steady his breathing. Tears were flowing down his cheeks as he remembered the accident. How they took her to the hospital with the ambulance and him following them behind with a taxi.

"Mr Raizada."

Arnav was lost in his thoughts.

What if she dies...

What will i do without her..Ratna and Aditya...

I can't live without you Khushi...

The Family...

"Mr Raizada?" the doctor touched his shoulder gently and Arnav looked up and dried his tears. "Yes, doctor. How is she?" The doctor gave him a sad look. "Mr Raizada, your wife is stable. She will wake up soon. But i have to tell you something..please come to my office." "No, i don't need to do anything." said Arnav getting angry, the doctor looked down. "Jus tell me right now. What happened to my wife?"

"Sir, the diagnosis shows a severe amnesia."

"Wh-What? Amn-Amnesia?"

Arnav held his chest as he had to sit down and control his emotions. The doctor filled up a glass of water and handed it to him. They both walked to the office and sat down facing each other. "See." he showed Arnav the X-Ray picture of Khushi's brain. "Mrs Raizada lost some parts of the hippocampus. This shows the amnesia she has because of the accident she had." Arnav just nodded.

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