"There will be a man coming to the abandoned building in 5 minutes which is down this street, tattoos on his face. I want you to steal cocaine from him. He will be alone until people start showing up to buy. You'll have about 5 minutes to do the job."

"How much am I getting?"

"A grand."

I turned around and started walking away.

"Wait! Three thousand. What about three thousand?"

"Four! I'll give you four thousand dollars!" He shouted when I ignored his 3 thousand deal.

I stopped, considering his offer. I turned around, "Money first." I said.

His expression shifted, like he didn't expect I would ask for the money before doing his job.

Living on the streets teaches you alot of things.

I got a feeling he doesn't have the money, but to my surprise he removed his wallet from his jeans pocket and started walking closer again.

"Here. I'll be watching you from afar."

I stuffed the four thousand dollars in my jeans pocket.

Paying completely before he gets what he wants? New in the area I guess.

I walked towards the abandoned building the man told me to go to. I stayed behind a wall opposite to the building which gave me the perfect view of the rusted old gate of the building.

There was no one around here.

A tall man wearing a hooded jacket came into vision after a few minutes. He looks around 5'11, 4 inches taller than me, with tattoos on his face.

This is the man I guess.

He walked into the building and I followed him quietly, keeping distance. The sky had turned a deeper shade of blue and there barely was any light near the premises.

He took a left and and I jogged and hid under the ground floor window. I peeked inside and saw him sitting on a table.

He fetched a flask of alcohol and drank from it. I took in the surrounding. There was a window behind him. There was now way I could pickpocket.

Looking at him from this distance I was sure he knows how to fight. But so did I.

I slowly made my way towards the window behind him, making sure I don't make a sound.

When I reached the window, I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves. The air had become chiller than before.

I peeked inside. He was looking down at something. Probably at his phone.

I placed my hands on the windowsill and pushed myself up quitely, adrenaline running through my veins like a bullet train.

My heart began beating in my ears. I landed on the floor softly and in a quick move, I got him in a chokehold.

The man started struggling under my hold but not for long. He hit my ribs with his elbow and I lossened my hold with a gasp.

He quickly got off the table and lunged at me. He threw a punch my way and I ducked just in time, punching him in the stomach.

He stepped back wincing and I landed another puch on his face. A bruise started forming under his left eye and a murderous look took over his face.

He punched me in the face and the force of it nearly knocked me down.

I was right. He does know how to fight.

He kicked me in the stomach and I fell on the ground grunting.  He sat on top of me, smiling like a monster. He wrapped his hands around my neck and started chocking me.

"You have got some balls to pick a fight with me for no fucking reason kid. But now you'll pay for it."

I clawed at his hands, tried to reach his eyes as I struggled to breath. When nothing worked, I patted the ground frantically to get ahold of something.

My hand found something hard, it felt like a rock. Without another thought I slammed it against his head.

His hands left my neck clutched his head in agony. I gasped for air but my hand smashed the rock against his head once again and I pushed him off me.

He was on the ground, blood flowing down his head. His movements became weaker and then stopped completely.

I looked at him, breathing erratically. I stood up, brain still cloudy due to lack of oxygen supply. I focused my eyes on him and bent down, placing my fingers near his nostrils.


I quickly checked his jeans pockets but found nothing. I stepped back and walked towards the table where his jacket was.

Rummaging through the pockets, I found 20 small ziplock packets filled with white powder and two hundred dollars.

Stuffing it in my pocket, I started walking towards the entry of the building.

I glanced at the man one last time before stepping out of the building and running away.


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