
241 16 45

Kayden Merikh

I barely slept last night. Was mostly seated on the bed or pacing around the entire night, full of nerves that I had someone in my house that's not Jake. It was fucking daunting.

Morning rolled in and I decided to take a shower in the en suite bathroom.

I walked down the dark hallway with a towel wrapped around my waist and stopped in front of the spare bedroom door for a while, was about to open the door to confirm that she was here and I wasn't crazy, but pushed the urge aside.

I entered the dark living room and was about to go towards the kitchen but stopped when I saw a figure on the couch. I walked towards it and saw Lyn sleeping on her stomach.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I'd told her she could take the spare bedroom. For a while, I stared at her to confirm she was actually there.

Fucking hell. I need a somke really bad.

I went towards the kitchen, opening one of the drawers containing a light and pack of cigarettes.

I leaned against the counter and was about to light the stick between my lips when my eyes landed on the back of the couch she was sleeping on.

Clenching my jaw, I closed my eyes and sighed, removing the cigarette from between my lips. I filled a glass with whisky instead and leaned against the counter, staring at the back of the couch she was sleeping on while I drank from the glass.

I don't remember how long I stared for. After sometime I heard a thud followed by a hiss and then Lyn stood up near the couch.

I was only able to make out her silhouette in the dark room. After some movement she went still and I knew she was starting at me as I was at her.

Still thinking I was crazy, I grabbed some ice from the fridge for my drink and started walking towards the windows to confirm I actually let someone in my house other than Jake.

I drew back the curtains and she shielded her eyes from the sunlight.

So I'm not crazy or dreaming.

She's actually here.

Was for the entire fucking night.

I stared at her in surprise but then got out of the trance and caught her staring at my body. Looking at her with amusement, I put my hands behind my back, spinning the drink in the glass.

Even her stare was enough to turn me on. "Like what you see?" I said teasingly. She rolled her eyes at me.

I remembered last night and I started walking towards her as my thoughts started turning sinful.

Last night she confirmed that she wanted the same thing I did and I was over the fucking moon. The view of her boobs in her lace bra made my dick painfully hard.

I had her exactly where I wanted and wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off, finger her and then fuck her on that counter. But then for some reason out of this fucking world, I didn't. One look at her injured arm and I turned into a fucking saint and backed off.

Don't ask me why.

Something snapped inside me, it felt wrong to even look at her given the state she was in. She was in that state because of me and a wave of fury washed over me.

I didn't deserve to touch her after what I put her through, after what she went through because of me.

I was in front of her now and she was starting up at me with her big hazel eyes filled with anticipation. I know that look.

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