Twenty Four - James

Start from the beginning

We stayed in that comfortable silence that only happens with those closest to you as time escaped us before the front door slammed shut, and both me and Milo shot up alongside the animals. Everyone is home?

"I'll go, you stay here" I instructed. No way am I letting Milo get hurt if there is someone.

I got out of the bed and grabbed a gun before heading out slowly whilst Forlap stayed in the room

Some security dog he is

I scoured the hallways, it was well past dark now which meant the guys were probably sleeping together with Trins

Trins... I hope she's asleep, I don't want her to flashback.

God i can't even begin to imagine what she's been through, and the psychologist told us the brief version.

I need to spend some time with her. Alone. Maybe I'll take her on a date...

Yes. That sounds good...right?

She'll love it...

My mind turned with excitement as it planned for the date whilst my brain tried to focus on the task at hand.

Who's in the House

I turned the lights on in every room I entered and eventually found Liam alone in the kitchen. I instantly went over to him

"Liam? You okay?" I asked and he turned to look at me. His eyes bloodshot, his nose and lip busted. Tears pricked his eyes as he crushed me into a tight hug

"Woah-" I gasped at the loss of air, before smelling the alcohol on him.

"I'm sorry James. So sorry." He mumbled and hugged me tighter

"Liam....I need to breathe!" I choked and he instantly let me go with a mumbled apology, I pecked his cheek and led him to the counter

"Sit, I'll sort your face out" I told him as I went to find the first aid kit so he didn't drip too much blood around.

Eventually I found it, cleaned his lip before taking a look at his nose. It didn't look broken, just punched. He's going to have some nasty bruises which made me wonder what he'd gotten up to

"Thank you" he told me, he looked so sorry for himself and I couldn't help but feel bad

"Where were you?" I couldn't help but ask him, but I was met with defiant silence.

"Liam I swear to god. Where did you go. What did you do?" I pinched the bridge of my nose and exhaled heavily to keep my cool. He didn't need me to be stressed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, it all happened so fast and I...cazzo." he started talking

"What did you do?" I demanded, my mind racing with possibilities

"I... fuck...I got into a fight at the bar, before I went to the warehouse where William is-"

"You didn't. Tell me you didn't" I interrupted, needing him to tell me he just made a sandwich in the warehouse kitchen or something stupid that only a drunk person would.

But he was silent. He didn't say a fucking word which provided me with everything I needed to know

"Liam!" I raised my voice at him. We had agreed to wait until our girl was well enough to decide what she wanted to do - if she wanted to participate in it. He was her kill. We were waiting-

"He's gone. Shot. He can't hurt her anymore. He can't do anything to her. We won't lose her again. He can't take her-" he started to ramble

"She can't have the last word. She can't get any form of closure. Fuck, man. You've given him an easy out whilst she has to suffer!" I exclaimed frustratedly, not knowing what to do now.

I left him with Milo so I could go upstairs to our shared bedroom. Ryan, Oliver, Trinny and Milo were all snuggled in, and I got dressed to join them - it wasn't long until I let sleep take me, not having the energy to deal with anything now.

The morning came, and I was woken up by the pitter patter of paws on the floor meaning the dogs were on their way. Ryan was already up, along with Trins and Milo.

"Psst. Oliver" I nudged him with a soft smile, only to be met with a hard swat to the face causing me to joke-pout and him to open his eyes

"What?" He grumbled

"I need to talk with you about William." I spoke and he woke up further

"Liam killed him last night" I whispered to him and his face dropped

"At least tell me Liam didn't give him a quick death, tell me he was sober when he did" Oliver asked quietly and I sighed. We both knew that drunk Liam didn't like to leave them suffering, and all context went out the window. It was likely a rambled apology, before he was shot in the head.

"I really doubt it was slow. But I'm hoping-" I cut my words short when I noticed Trins starting to stir from underneath the blankets, Ryan was gripping onto her and Milo onto Ryan. They looked so cozy and the sight brought me warmth before my brain had to kick in and ruin it with the thoughts.

"Shhhhuuushhhh" she groaned and grumbled as she turned - still half asleep - and harshly grabbed Ryan around the neck like he was a children's teddy. His arms moved around her, holding her closer to him.

"My Office?" I asked Oliver and he nodded, getting up and rubbing his eyes as I went to my office, which was connected to my bedroom through a door. I opened it so Ted could come through, and he immediately did, making a 'mrrrrp' sound as he rubbed against my legs whilst I tried to walk without tripping over him.

Eventually I made it to the desk, Ted jumping onto my lap and sitting on the bed I had placed on the desk when I first got him so he wouldn't interfere with my work.

I help oversee all of the operations, big or small, within the mafia, I'm set to take over from Papa but I have no clue when that is. So for now I get a third of his responsibilities so that's the reason I have the home office

The door opened, Oliver stormed in with Liam and Speed in tow. They both took seats, Liam looked better, but I could feel the relationship between all of us cracking and it hurt. I'm going to do a group date night soon. With all of us, aswell as individually....

I think that's what we need.  Just some one on one time and group time.

"Liam, what happened last night...I mean you didn't come home all night, and then you come back beaten up and telling us you killed William. Sure your words hurt us, but we love you and care for you - and it hurts that you won't let us in until it all gets too much" I spoke and he took a few breaths before speaking

"I went to the bar, just for a drink so I could calm down but some fucker was talking big. He mentioned her name in the same sentence as Williams as well as some comments and I flew off the handle. I know my behaviour is inexcusable, but I couldn't handle it. I decided to come back and hopefully calm down with one of you." He started to explain, and I could see the cogs turning in Oliver's Brain.

"On the way back here I just couldn't cope with the thought of what William had subjected her to over the last year. I wasn't blackout drunk. I remember it all. I couldn't get what the psychologist said out of my head, so I went for a chat with him - I was not intending to kill him at all, let alone as quickly as I did. But you should've heard the shit he was spewing" he spoke as if trying to hold in immense anger and distress.


Posted: 25.12.23

What's James hiding? I want to see what you guys think!!

Also this is one of the longest chapters so far!!

Anyway, happy holidays, hope it's a good one

Thoughts etc --->

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