eight :(

56 4 22

Month Five : Week One
A Place For My Head - Linkin Park

Rowan asked me to go to his party for Halloween. Considering the recent calls from my bank, I knew Asterin was in San Jose and not San Francisco, so I decided to go.

Why not? I don't do much of anything anymore besides sulk in my room. It wasn't on Halloween, it was on the 30th, but nonetheless. I'm tired of being miserable because of a decision i unfortunately made. It may not have been completely my decision, but it was one I didn't fight against as much.

I did this to myself, time to own up to it instead of feeling sorry for myself.

Incoming call from Rowan's Gay Ass...

"What up?" I asked, putting the phone to my ear.

"You still comin' tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah, any specific attire?" I asked, looking at the beanie and darkish yellow shirt sitting on my bed.

"Costumes and preferably a mask to cover your face."

"Like I ever go anywhere without wearing one anymore." I sighed. I wanted to scrap my idea, but we planned this months ago and if she was there maybe she'd see me?

It's a long shot and an outcome i'm hoping against but, whatever i guess.

"Alright, be there at eight."

"Dope! See you then, man!" Rowan exclaimed before the line disconnected.

I sighed, staring down at the costume.

"Where you going?" Ezra asked, standing in my doorway. I rolled my eyes, opting to ignore him and contemplate how to pair everything to fit the image in my head. "Hello? Where are you going? Don't just ignore me, asshole."

"Ive been ignoring you for almost five months, you'd think a guy would take a hint after a while." I said, holding up the shirt in better lighting so my shadow wasn't covering it.

"Awe, all because you lost your little girlfriend?" Ezra mocked. I shot him a glare and he immediately raised his hands, feigning innocence.

"Bring Asterin up again and i'll pin you to a fucking wall, Ezra. You don't have the right to speak about her. Get out of my room." I spat, trying to keep my anger minimal.

"Get out of my room." He mocked.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled, walking to the door and pushing him out before slamming it in his face and locking it.

"God, you're so fucking whiny just like Andrea." I heard Ezra say. That was when my line had been crossed. I slammed the door open and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pinned him to the wall opposite my room.

"You speak of my family and I can promise you you won't be able to talk for fucking months." I growled out through a clenched jaw.

"Okay geez, just let me fucking go." He said, trying to push me off of him. I shoved him back, pushing back off of him and stepping away. "God, im happy youre not actually my brother."

"God I wish your mother would have aborted you." I snapped back, walking into my room and slamming the door. I locked it and ran a hand through my hair to try and relieve my frustration.

"God I fucking hate you!" Ezra screamed through my door.

"Ditto!" I screamed back. I heard his footsteps retreat and sat on my bed. I took a deep breath and tried to forget about it.

The night went smoothly, no Asterin, nobody knew who i was or what i was dressed as. It was a win win. I hung out with Rowan and Kyler and I just had a good night.

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