60: Face the Music

Start from the beginning


"That was quite tasty." Gray hugged me close even though he was injured, walking as we left the place with the guys chatting, "It was so fun, thanks for paying Y/n." Teddy says as my smile grew, "I might as well considering I haven't used my allowance account since I got hospitalized in middle school." I though for a moment, "But how am I supposed to spend exactly ten million won? I have a lot in there that accumulated because I forgot about it." The guys were just floored as Alex told me, "It must be nice to be rich." I felt shy until we saw Donald under the bridge and he called out to Gray, "Hey! White Mamba!" Everyone looked at him, "Come down! Let's do it again!!" Gray trie dto get Donald to move, but he got hit by a car, body flying as he bled.  

[Switch to Narrator]


The world spun as Donald flew from the impact of the car, and he wondered why he was flying, why Y/n had a look of concern that he never thought he would see. And why Gray shared that same look as he yelled out to him. Thinking back to when he sent the first questionnaire test, and realizing that the year of the 36th Olympiad, they had been in the same room.

[By chance,]

[If I had known you earlier,]

[I wonder.]

[Could...we have been friends?]


[I am a stray dog abandoned in a field.]

[I had to survive.]

                        [I needed to be strong]

                                            [And needed to look stronger.]

[I have to reach the top no matter what.]

A hand pats his head as he opens his eyes, "Ah, did I sleep?" He asks as his mother tells him, "I thought you were sleeping deeply, so I let you be." She asks him about school, and he tells her that he likes it, that it's fun. "Working students will be supported until middle school." He adds, "And...uncle is nice to me these days." Her eyes seem to sadden when she hears about that man, "Donald...I'm really sorry." He asks what she means and she tells him, "Do you see those boys out the window?" She looks at some middle schoolers, and he nods, "I really wanted to see you go to middle school...and see you in uniform just like those boys but..." She closes her eyes as she smiles, "I'm really glad to hear, you'll be supported until middle school." She tells him to open up the drawer for his present, and she hands it to him, "Mom, I'll bring back all my perfect scores from my exam." 

[The only time Donald acted his age...]

[Was that brief moment when he met his mother.]

[Although the hospital was faraway,]

[And it was difficult for him to go there often, he always went with his bus fare ready.]

[Whenever he came home when his Uncle was there...]

[He had to give immediate answers or risk getting beaten.]

[He didn't beat his mother,]

[But he demanded answers unless Donald wanted to be beaten.]

Donald had to steal from abandoned stores to eat, and had to gaze at tall buildings all night when his Uncle would throw him out to the stairwell, those same brilliant buildings. They were like castles in the sky to him, but anything that could benefit him like earning money to support him through the school, was snatched away cruelly. Even after getting the grant, he was bullied and given a different tag on his shirt, he couldn't hide his situation nor did he try. Both home and school life were hell for him, mostly due to Seungjae who couldn't accept that a poor beggar like him was smarter, ranking in first over him in the academic rankings. He was a nuisance to others plain and simple, and the hesitation that used to be in the teachers actions when asking him to deal with the trash, no longer existed after a week.

Pride was a luxury for him, and even the most demeaning of jobs became masked by lies, so others could take advantage. Pushed aside after his bully's mother bribed his homeroom teacher and denied his chance, to rise or so he thought. Because even with the test answers, Seungjae lost to Donald. 


To be continued....


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