For the sake of his family's well-being, Murtasim had chosen to suppress his own dreams. However, with Meerab's arrival in his life, the only decision of his father he wholeheartedly supported, his determination to provide her with boundless happiness rekindled his ambition. Now, standing before his father's imposing study, Murtasim's heart raced as he summoned the courage to knock.

With a deep breath, Murtasim pushed open the heavy door to his father's study, anxiety gripping his heart. As Murtasim entered his father's imposing study, the atmosphere seemed to close in on him. The room was adorned with dark wooden furniture, heavy curtains drawn shut, and the walls adorned with portraits of ancestors who had upheld the Khan family's legacy. The air was heavy with the scent of aged leather-bound books and the faint aroma of incense.

His father, a stern figure sitting behind a massive desk, fixated his penetrating gaze upon Murtasim. Every moment felt like a painful reminder of the years he had spent under his father's watchful eye, struggling to assert his independence.

Summoning his courage, Murtasim finally spoke, his voice wavering, "I wanted to discuss something with you." Murtasim continued, determined, "I want Meerab to continue her studies, so she can become a lawyer and fulfill her dream."

The change in his father's expression was undeniable, and it didn't bode well. "What? Did I hear you correctly?" his father retorted, disbelief evident in his tone.

"Yes, Baba Sahab," Murtasim replied, his voice growing firmer. He was determined to stand his ground, despite the mounting tension in the room. "I want Meerab to continue her studies."

His father's anger flared, and he retorted vehemently, "Murtasim, have you lost your mind? Do you not realize that I would never allow such a thing?"

Pushing past his fear, Murtasim persisted, "But what's wrong with it?"

His father's response was harsh, reflecting his traditional and authoritarian views. "Everything! Do you think I would allow the daughter-in-law of the Khan family to roam around in courts like that? I can't even imagine it! I made it clear to Waqas as well, and he agreed to it too."

Murtasim's heart ached for Meerab's dream as he whispered, "But it's her lifelong dream. She's always wanted this."

His father's words cut through the air, unyielding. "Do you think I care about her dreams? What are these dreams anyway? She's married to you; she should understand her responsibilities and take care of the family, like your mother does."

Undeterred, Murtasim tried to make a stand for Meerab, "But, Baba Sahab—"

His father's sharp interruption left little room for discussion. "Did she express this desire herself?"

"No," Murtasim admitted, "she didn't say anything. I took the initiative to talk to you." He said hurriedly.

With a final decree, his father dismissed the matter, "Murtasim, then there's no need to discuss this any further. You can leave!"

Murtasim's determination remained unshaken as he declared, "But Meerab is my wife, and I believe I should be the one having a say in decisions that affect her." His fear was overshadowed by his unwavering commitment to support Meerab's dreams.

His father's anger flared, and he responded with fury, "Murtasim, do you even hear yourself? Have you forgotten all the traditions and norms of this family? Don't you remember that I wasn't even in favor of your studying abroad, and now you want me to agree to this? That's just stupid!"

Murtasim, his voice unwavering, countered, "Times have changed, Baba Sahab, and it's high time our traditions and norms evolve positively as well."

But his father's anger intensified, and he continued, "Look at yourself. You've become more pathetic since I got you married. How blindly are you following your wife's lead, insulting all the traditions and norms of our family."

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