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"Malory, you can't be serious." My eyes widen as I stare at the paper she gave me with all my duties on it.

"I know it's a lot- but I think you can do it!" She smiles. "A few of them are just little things like having a brunch get together with all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen the week before the wedding."

"This is more than a lot..." I say under my breath. "You're saying I have to do most of this alone?"

"That's the surprise-" She sings. "You aren't!"

"Who's helping? If it's Jacie-"

"It's not Jacie." She rolls her eyes.

I look at her dumbfounded, waiting for an answer.

"It's Noah!" She finally says and my heart drops.

I don't speak and force my jaw to clench shut.

My brain goes straight to last week when I'd gone to his house and yelled at him for writing Somebody Else about me.

"Nicholas and I agreed you two would work great together- you guys are a lot alike and he's going to be Nicholas' best man- you're my maid of honor- it works perfectly!"

"Malory- I don't really think that's a good idea..."

"What?" She frowns. "Why?! You and Noah used to get along! Did something happen?"

"No! Not at all-" I quickly reply. "But- He's changed a bit since last year... and I usually work better on my own."

"You were just saying-"

"I want to help, Lory, but just let me do it alone."

"We already hired Noah on." She frowns. "He's out with Nicholas right now getting lunch to talk about this."

"Why didn't you ask me first?"

"Because I didn't think it'd be that much of an issue." She mumbles. "I didn't know you and him didn't get along- you've always told me that you both got along."

"We do, I just- I just would rather do this alone."

"I don't know how to do that now though." She groans, rubbing her temples. "I didn't think it'd be an issue, I thought it would be a good surprise-"

I feel guilty, seeing her clearly distressed about the miscommunication.

"I'll give it a try." I sigh. "As long as he's willing to do the same."

"I'm sure he will, the day he came over when you were here he told us it was good seeing you after all this time after you had already left."

I stop myself from rolling my eyes and instead take a deep breath.

"They're coming over after they finish eating- we were going to finish going over it with you." She explains. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, but I have to get home afterwards, I didn't finish my sample last week."

"Did you go in yesterday?"

"Yeah, Richard needing input on one of the new mixers we just got in."

"Well they should be home soo-" Her phone rings and we both look at the screen, seeing our mums contact listed as the caller. "One second- she's been asking about the wedding."

She grabs her phones and walks away as she answers the call.

I glance at the TV, which I hadn't looked at since I'd gotten here and see she has a playlist of hers playing on shuffle.

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now