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The little bits of mixing I need to do doesn't take very long, but I can't help but stay locked in the comfort of my studio while I wait until it's a good enough time to meet up with Kenneth.

For the past ten minutes all i've been able to do is stare at the guitar in the corner, cleaned off from when I played it a couple days ago.

I hear my phone ring, startling me in the silent room.

I pick it up and see it's Kenneth calling, so I answer it and put the speaker to my ear.

"Hey, Fal- I just got home from getting some groceries and I'm good to meet you at that pasta place we used to go to whenever you're ready."

"That's all good, I can leave the studio now." I hum. "I'll be there soon."

"Cool cool, bye." He says before hanging up.

I get up out of my chair and turn off all my equipment before stepping out of my studio, it slamming loudly behind me.

I start to walk down the hall, not much noise coming from any studio- other than Noah's.

As I pass his studio I can hear a mellow beat and the faint sound of his voice, not able to make out what he's singing.

I keep on track and leave the building quickly, waving to Hazel as I do so.

Once in my car I don't hesitate to start it and pull away, speeding my way down to the little take out noodle shop I would spend time at with Kenneth.

The drive was bland, only one person annoying me the whole way, but I can't help but feel on edge.

As I walk inside the person working greets me and I sit down at one of the benches inside.

I pull out my phone to see if he was here yet, but before I can open his contact someone sits down across from me.

"Hey there." I say as I realize it's Kenneth.

He's lost weight, not a lot, but enough to be noticeable.

I can't help but think it's because of the death.

"You look great, Fallon- I've missed seeing you around."

"Thank you, Ken." I smile weakly. "You look good too."

"Eh, haven't been able to take great care of myself, but today I thought I'd put in a little bit more effort." He shrugs. "How have you been doing?"

"I'm okay." I shrug.

"Last time I saw you was at the funeral committal and then I heard you left before we could get to the reception."

I don't know how to speak as he mentions the funeral, I don't think I could move if I wanted to.

"How long ago was that, geez- that has to be like a year ago now."

"It's been one year and a month ." I say, no emotion lining my words.

"What are you doing today? Anything fun?"

"I have a date later." I say, calming down slightly.

"Really?" He smiles, clearly happy for me. "Is it N-"

"It's Devin Oliver." I rush.

"I See Stars, right?" He asks and I nod. "First famous boyfriend, eh? Unless you dated someone I don't know about."

"Yeah, I guess." I respond, not even hesitating when my brain thinks of Noah. "It's our first date."

"That's cute, Fal, you deserve to be happy- especially after Hudson. God, we all hated him." He laughs. "Good riddance."

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now