t w e n t y t w o

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saw bad omens live last night and wow
best night of my life
enjoy <3


His lips drag over my shoulder, his body moving into mine from behind me.

"Noah-" I moan- gripping his headboard as if my life depends on it.

"Good girl- fuck-" He grunts, his breathing so hot I'm surprised my skin isn't melting down my arm.

I can't help but let out every sound that is clawing to leave my body, his hands digging deep into my hips.

"Oh my god-" I bite my lip, squeezing my eyes shut as tight as possible.

"Who's your fucking god?" He whispers, his teeth grazing my earlobe.

"Y-you, Noah-" I pant, my grip on the headboard slipping from the sweat pooling on the underside of my palms.

The doorbell rings aggressively, whoever just arrived hitting it over and over.

"Fuck." He hisses, pulling away from me.

I slump down onto his bed as he quickly gets up and pulls just his grey sweatpants on.

My body is shaking, I'm not sure I could get up- let alone dressed.

"If you hear them coming up the stairs hide in the closet and lock it." He catches his breath, his body clung with sweat.

"Wait-" I reach out, taking his wrist in my weak hand.

He smirks, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on my lips.

He stays for a short second, laying a small kiss on my forehead before rushing out of the room while the doorbell rings persistently.

I regain myself as best as I physically can before getting up, sliding my underwear and tank top on.

I look for my skirt, confused as to wear they were thrown when he pulled me in here and pushed me against the wall.


I peek underneath the bed, seeing the fabric of my short, black skirt.

I reach down, pulling the clothing to me and quickly slipping it on.

I hear indistinct talking from downstairs, but I can't make the words out.

I walk over to the door, taking careful steps as I press my ear against the door.

"-well it doesn't help when you don't answer any of my calls or texts, Noah." Nicholas' voice comes out frustrated. "I mean seriously, you haven't been responding to anyone since 3pm yesterday!"

"I'm sorry- I honestly haven't been on my phone at all, I didn't fucking think and that's on me." Noah sounds apologetic.

"Look, I'm not here to yell at you any more than I have- but because you've been talking to her, I think it's only fair to go see her right now."

"I'm not into her, Nick." Noah's voice raises. "And I'm not going to give her any reason to think I want her- even if she's in a hospital bed."

"What happened? Four days ago you said that you were going to put in an effort and try with her?"

"Nothing happened, I just realized I don't want to lie to myself or her." He groans. "I have never let her think that I want her more than casually- and I'm not going to show up to her bedside and make her feel like I want her."

"What the fuck is wrong with you, man." Nicholas voice drops to a hushed volume. "Why can't you just man up? You clearly don't want to settle down, but you can at least treat the people who actually give you a chance with respect."

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now