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I wake up with a headache, probably due to having the same nightmare from the night before.

I grab my phone and shut off my alarm, groaning as I sit up and see that Kenneth replied to my text.

I quickly open it and see he asked if I was free for lunch today because he's busy after 3.

I type back that any time is good and to let me know where he'd like to go.

The second I send the text I get a call, 'Devin' being the name on my screen.

I contemplate answering, or rather why's he's even calling in the first place. Before it runs out I answer his call and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey-" I say, hoping I don't sound too groggy considering I just woke up.

"Hi, is it Fallon?"

"Yeah, what's up?" I say nicely as I crawl out of bed.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, I was just wondering if I could treat you to some dinner." He hums. "You've been a big help and incredible to work with, so I was just wondering if I could make it up to you."

"Oh- yeah! If you want to I only have to do a little bit of mixing and a lunch date with my friend, but that's only going to take me a couple hours and I should be off by 3."

"Perfect, I was thinking we could go to Red Lobster. I'm pretty sure there's one by your studio and I've been craving some lobster lately."

"That sounds perfectly fine, Devin." I chuckle. "I'll be there around 4?"

"Yeah, that's good." He hums. "Bye, Fallon."

"Bye." I say as I hang up and immediately call Malory's number.

"Hey, sissy!" She sings as she answers. "What's up?"

"So... hypothetically... if someone asks you out to dinner because you did something completely normal for them-"

"Wait what?!" She screams. "Someone asked you out?!"

"Yeah, but I'm sure it's just a friendly gesture... he said it was for being really great to work with-"

"Fallon!" She squeals. "Who?!"

"Devin Oliver, the lead singer of I See Stars."

"Oh my god!" She gasps. "He's so cute! Get that shit, Fal!"

"I doubt it's like that-"

"Okay, is anyone else from the band going to be there?" She scoffs.

"I don't think so... He said he'd be treating me."

"Fallon, that's definitely a date!" She squeals. "This is great!"

"I don't know if I'm ready for that yet, Mal." I huff. "I haven't been on a date in years because of Hudson."

"That's even better- you'll get comfortable quickly, I know you will."

"Is this against the studio policies?" I ask. "He's technically a client, isn't he?"

"Oh my god, stop coming up with excuses! Be happy for yourself, you told me he was really great to work with." She whines. "And no that isn't against any policy that I know of."

"Okay..." I sigh. "I have a lot to do today as well, so I should probably get going."

"I thought you didn't have much work today?"

"I'm- uh- meeting up with Kenneth for lunch." I mumble. "Thought it'd be nice to check in with him."

"Of course." She hums, I can practically hear the smile on her face. "I'm sure he misses you."

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now