s i x t e e n

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Once Devin pulls away from me, I see Malory singing along to the song- not really knowing the words- as she makes her way over to Noah.

Noah, who's standing just ahead of me and Devin, holding a bouquet of red and pink carnations.

He isn't looking at me know, he's in the middle of greeting Malory and giving her a hug.

As she pulls away and pulls him closer to the group, he looks at me.

I can see it on his face that he saw me and Devin.

He smiles widely once Nicholas gives him a hug, saying 'hi' to Nick and Jolly simultaneously.

"My evermore, have you finally figured me- figured me out!" Malory sings, dancing along with the silliest moves she always does.

"Hey-" Noah's voice hitches as he steps over to me, leaning over and giving me a side-hug. "Sorry I was so late."

"I didn't even know you were coming." I admit, shrugging.

"Here." He passes me the flowers. "Picked these up for you."

"Thank you."

"Hey, Devin." Noah smiles, as if it's nothing, as he shakes Devin's hand.

"Nice to see you, Noah!" Devin chuckles. "I didn't think the band would all be here!"

"We tried to make it work for Fallon- and of course you guys."

"We'll have to talk about touring, man, I love you guys." Devin wraps his arm back around me.

"Let us get our album mixed and we can talk." He laughs. "I'm gonna grab a drink, I'll meet you all at a table."

"Copy that." Malory says, coming up behind him. "This sounds amazing, Fallon!"

"Thank you." I smile weakly at her as Noah walks off.

"I'm so obsessed with this- I can't wait to listen to it all week!" She rushes and gives me a big hug. "I'll tell all my clients to listen to it."

"Oh come on, don't even." I scoff.

We slowly but surely make our way back to the table, Nicholas and the others giving me pats on the back and praising my mixing.

"Seriously, Fal, this is incredible." Nicholas says as he takes another sip of his drink.

"I'm just doing my job."

"Don't be so coy!" Mal groans. "Admit it- you're talented."

"Not happening." I roll my eyes, smiling as Devin holds me close to him.

Just as I'm stealing a sip from Devin's glass, Noah walks back over, the only remotely open spot being the one next to me- Jolly hadn't rejoined us, needing to ask Brady about something for his studio equipment.

"Mind if I sit?" He asks, holding two glasses, one short and the other a tall champagne glass.

"Go crazy." I smile sweetly, glad that the alcohol is starting to really hit me.

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now