t w e n t y

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"So how was it?" Malory asks, on speaker due to Nicholas and the boys still being in the studio with me.

"It went great." He coos softly towards my phone. "Got some riffs down, adjusting little things."

"You guys only worked on somebody else right?"

"Yeah, we thought it'd be easier for me to get the idea if we focused on just one song." I hum.

She then shifts the attention towards dinner for her and Nicholas so I tune out.

I can feel eyes splitting through my skin from my left, but I don't look over, picking at the chair i'm comfortably sitting in.

"I want to order out though, I'm just stuck between Chil Fil A or Popeyes!" She groans.

"We can figure it out once I'm home, darling." He chuckles. "I'm leaving the second I get off the phone."

I finally give in, my nerves chewing at me as I glance to my left.

Noah, of course.

He's on his phone, but looking directly at me, staring me down like I'm the last breath of air on a dead earth.

"Can I help you?" I mutter under my breath and his features harden.

He looks down at his phone, typing away and not looking at me again.

"Well, I love you! Where's Fallon?" I hear Malory call for me so I look at my phone.

"I'm here, sorry." I smile weakly. "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Okay, bye!" She sings cheerfully as I hang up.

"Alright, come on Nick." Nicholas huffs as he slings his bag over his shoulder. "I'll drop you off before I stop at Popeyes- unless you want some."

"Hell yeah I do." He scoffs as he stands up from their studio couch.

"See you guys, tomorrow." Nicholas waves to us and Nick follows behind him out of the studio.

"Well, I should probably get home, Jellybean is probably missing me." Jolly says quietly and groans as he stretches his back. "You'll send the demo so far? I want to look at it a little more."

"Yeah." I nod, smiling as I turn to the computer.

"Just airdrop to me."

I click the share for the complete audio we have and select his iphone after it pops up, he waits until it fully sends before smiling.

"Thanks, Fallon." He kisses the top of my head. "It sounds great by the way."

"Thank you." I try not to smile too much, taking out my phone as he taps Noah on the shoulder.

"I'll see you."

"Alright," He nods. "I might see you in the parking lot, I'm about to head out- Jade just asked me to come over."

"After only two dates?" He teases Noah, making a kissy face.

"I haven't even kissed her yet." He scoffs, smacking Jollys leg. "I don't want her to think I'm the type to play around."

I stifle a laugh, but it fails and both of them look over.

"Sorry- it's a thing on instagram." I play it off.

"Anyway, just use some protection." Jolly says quieter, a soft chuckle on his breath. "I already have to raise Jellybean, I don't want to have to take care of a second you."

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now