t w e n t y f o u r

781 28 12


Three weeks, almost a full month, since I've seen Noah.

After I woke up we got donuts and he thanked me for putting up with his drunken self.

He didn't remember anything he said, just that I helped him to bed.

He hasn't texted me, nor have I reached out to him.

For three weeks I've been attached to Malory's hip to help her with a bunch of her appointments, some nights I spend on her couch.

Last night was one of them.

"Okay, so we have the glasses ordered- I think the photo booth is confirmed and I should be getting a call from the catering company later today." She rambles as I sip on my orange juice, still tangled in my blanket from last night. 

"Did you check with the chair place?" I remind her.

"Shit- let me see if they called me back yet." She nods and scrolls through her phone. "It looks like they haven't, remind me to call them after lunch."

"Copy copy." I grab my phone and type a reminder for myself just in case. "Lunch today is..."

"Georgia, Julia, and Lucy and her boyfriend." She says. "Just the bridesmaids- and Trent."

"Do I have to dress nice?"

"Fal!" She pouts. "We're all going to wear our sundresses."

"Oh... that's this lunch?"


"I thought that was Saturday?"

"No, Saturday is family dinner." She smacks my leg. "Please tell me you're prepared for that."

"Just us and Nick's family?" I shrug. "Yeah tha-"

"No." She cuts me off. "Fallon, I mean all of us."

"What?" I frown.

"I wasn't going to tell you because I knew you'd panic, but I need you to really understand the importance-"

"Mal, who?"

"It is going to be you, Nicholas, his parents, and I..." She trails. "Along with our parents."

My heart stops, my jaw clenching as I set my orange juice glass down.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd refuse to go- Fallon, please, this is in preparation for the wedding."

"I can barely tolerate them during Christmas! Which- by the way- you usually don't let them near me during." I say sternly. "You're asking me to have a sit down dinner with them?!"

"You'll be across the table from them- they'll be too busy with Nicholas and his family anyway."

"Malory, do you understand why I don't spend time with those people?"

"I know- but they're still our parents and they're coming to the wedding." She begs. "This is the only time you'll see them before the wedding- and after the wedding you'll only need to see them for Christmas."

I don't know what to say.


"I can't go to dinner with them." I sigh. "I refuse to even look at those monsters."

"I won't let them talk to you directly." She promises. "If you do this, I won't make you come for Christmas this year- we can have our own celebration here."

I shake my head slowly, but give in, letting out the breath I'm holding.

"Fine." I mutter and she smiles gratefully. "But..."

somebody else  //  noah sebastianKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat