n i n e t e e n

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"I'm pulling up right now..." I tell him through the phone. "Is there anywhere I should park?"

"There's plenty of space in the parking lot- I'm already here and my mum just walked in."

"Copy that." I hum, pulling into an empty spot.

"I'll see you in a second-"

"Okay, bye!" I hang up.

I quickly put my car in park and turn off the engine as I grab my purse and climb out of the car.

I walk up to the door and open it, stepping into the cool air and glancing around for Nicholas and his mum.

"Oh my Noah, look at you! I missed you." I hear from my left.

I look over to see Nicholas and his mum like expected, but also Noah who's being embraced by Nicholas' mum.

"I love your new hair! It looks so good on you, my boy." She coos, ruffling his hair- which he quickly fixes. "I brought you something..."

She goes into her purse and passes him a candy bar I don't recognize.

"Thank you, Cass." He smiles softly.

"And for you too-" She gives one to Nicholas.

"Hey-" Nicholas brightens up as he seems me approaching.

Cassandra looks over next, gasping excitedly.

"Oh my lord, Fallon!" She squeals as I walk over smiling.

She pulls me into a big hug, kissing my cheek as we each pull away.

"How gorgeous!" She boasts. "Every single time I see you, you look even more gorgeous than before! Are you still with that boy?"

"Not anymore." I chuckle. "He wanted to go to Europe and find himself."

"Oh my god- I hate boys who do dumb shit like that." She scoffs. "No regard for what they're losing."

"It's been about a year, so I'm doing a lot better now."

"Oh, honey, that's great." She nods. "Any new boys?" She nudges me.

"Not right now." I hum, my eyes darting towards Noah for half a second.

He's watching me closely, a softness to his face today.

"Oh that's not right." She says, clearly teasingly. "How is a beautiful young woman like you single for more than a day! I swear all the men should be flocking to you."

"Thank you, Cassandra," I can't help but giggle. "I'm trying to focus on myself and work right now so I'm pretty busy."

"That's so exciting! I heard the stars song!" She smiles widely. "You're so talented, sweetheart."

"Alright, ma, we should probably get to the appointment." Nicholas chuckles.

"Oh, yes!" She nods and we go to sit down at the table, Nicholas getting a staff member to let the decorator know we're ready.

I sit next to Noah, Nicholas and his mum across from us.

As they're making small talk, us only listening in and nodding along, Noah nudges my thigh and leans his head down to my ear.

"You look really pretty today." He says quietly.

I look at him as he sits back up, his face completely blank as he nods back along to something Cassandra said.

I nudge his thigh, to which he looks over to me.

"You look really pretty too." I whisper as he leans down his ear to my lips.

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now