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After spending pretty much the whole day together, Malory drops me off at 7 so she can make it to dinner with Nicholas- who she says is making her brownies as well.

Before she drives away I ask her to send me the demo and she immediately says she will, clearly excited that I like it.

It's a great song overall, but the words are all I can pay attention to.

Once she gets home she sends it to me with one text- that I assume is the title "somebody else"

"That motherfucker..." I mutter as I read it over and over again.

It's pretty common knowledge to my close friends and family that I am a big fan of the band The 1975, especially the song Somebody Else. One of the first things I learned about Noah was that he was also a fan of their music.

I still remember about 8 months after we met- a year after Malory and Nicholas started dating- he sent me a video of him playing and singing it on piano.

I hadn't even talked about their music to him since I had first met him and I was so emotionally attached to the thought that someone had remembered that detail about me- even after not talking to me about it in 8 months.

I turn my phone off and go to the kitchen to find something for dinner.

I settle on a bowl of rice with a sunny side up egg and once I've finished and cleaned up it's already 9.

I feel tired enough, so I go upstairs to bed, hoping I can get any sort of rest.

I can't.

Time goes by faster than I can think and every thought I has keeps me up later and later.

By the time it's 10:30 I feel antsy and only one thing is on my mind and it's that stupid fucking song.

I pull the sheets off myself and put on my outfit from earlier, my mind on one track as I get my phone and keys, rushing to get to my car.

I climb into the driver's seat and pull away from my house, already knowing where I'm going.

When I pull up to the curb in front of his house my heart is racing and I contemplate turning around and going home.

Rain drops start hitting my windshield, the longer I wait the heavier it gets.

I look at my phone and play the file of somebody else that Malory sent me.

That's all I need to hear, by the time I'm to the second verse I turn off my car and phone before getting out and walking quickly to his door.

I ring the doorbell, feeling impatient after only a few seconds due to the cold rain, so I ring it again.

When the door swings open and Noah is towering over me in a black wife-beater and black sweatpants, I feel a lump start in my throat.

"Fallon? What are you-"

"Somebody Else?" I ask, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"How did you-"

"Malory fucking played it for me!" I snap. "Are you going to release this?!"

"Jesus Christ..." He sighs.

"You didn't think I'd ever hear this?" I question. "My sister is marrying your fucking band mate!"

"If you want to fucking talk get inside, but if you're just here to yell at me go the fuck home and leave me alone!"

somebody else  //  noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now