Meerab attempted to dissuade him, "Murtasim, you really don't need to—"

But Murtasim's resolve was unshakable, "But I want to."

With a heartfelt smile, he glanced at Meerab. In that moment, he understood the weight of her responsibilities and how she longed for the carefree days of the past. This outing was an opportunity for her to recapture some of that joy, and he wouldn't let it slip through their fingers.

A tender moment ensued as Meerab voiced her concern, "Are you sure? What about your work? And the Khanum duties?"

Murtasim's eyes held a soft intensity, "Everything else can wait. Your happiness is more important."

Meerab's hesitance melted away, replaced by a genuine smile that reflected both shyness and gratitude. Her heart swelled as she met Murtasim's unwavering gaze. It was a rare moment of vulnerability that she cherished deeply. For the first time in months, the prospect of going out and embracing a world beyond the walls of her familiar surroundings felt invigorating.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice carrying a world of emotions. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of appreciation and anticipation, mirroring the dappled sunlight streaming through the window.

Murtasim's own smile broadened, a silent understanding passing between them. He knew the significance of this outing extended far beyond a mere social gathering. It symbolized a chance for Meerab to loosen the reins that bound her to responsibilities, allowing her to taste the freedom she had been longing for.


As the next day dawned, Meerab couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. She stood before the mirror, the reflection gazing back at her radiating an aura of anticipation. Her choice of attire, a simple yet elegant dark green outfit. She stole fleeting glances at herself in the mirror, adjusting a strand of hair with a gentle touch.

The soft sunlight filtering into the room seemed to dance upon her face, lending an extra glow to her features. With a determined expression, she gave herself a quiet pep talk. Today was more than the festival; it was an opportunity to step out of her monotonous routine, embracing the vibrancy of life, and perhaps rediscover a piece of herself she had forgotten.

As Meerab was caught up in her own excitement, Murtasim had been observing her sitting across on the resting chair. He had taken note of the ceaseless smile that had graced Meerab's face ever since he had agreed to accompany her. Her excitement was undeniable, and it stirred something profound within him. He comprehended the challenges she had faced, uprooting herself from her past life and settling into the complexities of their feudal setup. She had embraced her new life without complaint, taking on her responsibilities with determination and grace. The rare moments of venting were never more than fleeting frustrations.

However, today, her demeanor spoke volumes. As she donned the deep green shalwar kameez, her fingers moving with a practiced grace. She delicately curled her hair and applied a light touch of makeup, each action resonating with her excitement for the day's festivities. Murtasim couldn't help but feel a swell of affection at the sight of her happiness.

Her choice of color, the play of sunlight on her features, the subtle confidence in her demeanor – they all converged to paint a portrait of a woman who held his heart. In that moment, the busy world around them seemed to pause, allowing him to witness this intimate and vibrant facet of Meerab that he held dear.

Amidst her own swirl of emotions, Meerab's gaze fell on Murtasim, who had been already looking at her. She smiled lightly, her eyes carrying a mix of eagerness and gratitude. "Shall we go?" she said, trying to calm her excitement. Murtasim lightly nodded as they both embarked a journey to the promising festival.

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