Chapter 30

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Come on now, y'all know I wasn't gone leave it off like that 🤣

A'ja Wilson
April 17th, 2027
Las Vegas, Nevada
"Mommy, im hungry," I heard A'kai call as she sat on the bench while we did work outs.
"Okay baby, give me five minutes," I said as she nodded going back to her little game on her iPad. Lord knows this parenting shit is a thousand times harder than I expected, but I love my baby so much, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
"Here we go, sit...sit...shot!" I called as Alaina went up blocking the practice teams shot.
"Oh yeah, that's me that's me!" I called as I grabbed the rebound and pushed hard passing the ball to KP who was way out in Transition for the easy 2. That was our last point needed and we all clapped, clearly winded.
"Nice job ladies! I'll see you all back here next Wednesday, same time. Alright A break us down," Nat said as we all grouped up.
"Alright together on three, one-two-three, Together!" I said as we all parted ways to find A'kai in the middle of our huddle screaming together too.
"Oh girl, you wanna be included so bad," I teased as I picked her up, tossing her in the air. She fell into a fit of giggles.
"Alright let's get some food in that belly huh?" I said as I grabbed my phone and set A'kai down to walk.
"Jackie!" I called across the court as she was on the other end tapping away on her phone.
"What's up?" She said not even looking up.
"Ask Chelsea if her and Tip are coming with us to get food," I told her as I walked into the locker room to change.
"Sit out here and wait for Nugget. I'll be right back," I told Kai as I went to quickly shower and change cause I was so sweaty. After a quick five minute shower I was changed and met them in the locker room.
"Hi mommy!" A'kai said excitedly warming my heart. No matter if I had just seen her or not she still was so happy to see me. She was literally the sweetest child anyone could ask for.
"Hi baby. Chels, y'all coming to eat with us?" She nodded standing up.
"Yeah Tip and Jack out there talking to KP right now," she said making me roll my eyes.
"Alright bookie, come on. You want sushi or Chicken?" I asked as she immediately said sushi. One thing about A'kai, she was gone eat just like her mamas.
"Alright babe. Jack, you ready?" I asked, interrupting KP talking to her. I could t really care though. She nodded telling Kelsey she'd text her later. Tipesa also followed us as we walked out to the parking lot. We all decided on going to Mizumi. When we pulled up they didn't have a wait, thank god, so we were immediately seated.
"So A, how's everything going with Jason?" Tipesa asked as we waited for our food to come. I sighed in happiness.
"It's been good actually, besides the distance, but he's so sweet to me," I said as she smiled.
"Awe I'm happy for you. You definitely deserve this," she said as I thanked her. My phone rang, and I clicked decline seeing it was y/n. I sent her a text and continued talking to the girls.

Kai's mom- Out for lunch, can I call you later?

A'ja🤍 - Oh for sure. I just missed Kai. Have her call me before bed please.

I hearted her message and put my phone on dnd. I didn't want any more distractions. The waiter brought our food and I did a happy dance because I was also so hungry. I put a couple rolls onto a plate for A'kai and kept the rest for myself.
"Kai Kai, your about to be Three next week. Are you excited?" Chelsea asked  as Kai nodded with soy sauce all on her fingers.
"I 'cited. I can have cake mommy?" She asked as I laughed nodding.
"Yes we're gonna get your birthday cake princess. Oh, did you tell your aunties that you're going to school next week?" I said as she got excited telling them all about preschool and they held the conversation as if it was the most interesting thing they'd ever heard. Thats something I truly adored about them. We were already pretty close before, but after I had A'kai, and the whole situation with y/n. They really became my village and I couldn't ask for better friends.
"Jackie, what day do you need us to get sized and everything again?" I asked as I ate some of my food. She held up a finger, before going to her notes.
"I have the appointment set for April 28th. That's good for everyone right?" She asked as we all nodded.
"Of course. I'm so excited for you Jack," I said in awe. Jackie was getting married right before the season starts and I couldn't be more happy for her. She deserves it and Devon was such a great boyfriend to her. So I know he'll make a great Husband.
"Perfect. Thank y'all again, I'm so nervous, and excited at the same time,"she said making us laugh.
"I still can't believe this is the same Jackie that was scared to spend the night with him. Now look at y'all," Chelsea said as Tip mushed her.
"Don't be like that. You was scared to approach me too and look at us," she said making us laugh at her. These were the moments I loved. I looked down at A'kai who was on her last sushi roll.
"You want some more mama?"
"No thank you, all done," she said as she did the sign language for all done. 
"Okay babe, let me wipe your hands," I took a baby wipe from my purse and wiped her hands and face off.
"All clean. You ready for a nap my love?" I asked realizing it was about that time. She shook her head no, but she needed one or else she'd be getting cranky soon.
"Now little nugget, you know you need a nap. Gone be running around causing a terror," Jackie said as she shook her head laughing.
"Nuh-un! I'm not tired Nugget!" She protested and I shook my head.
"Alright well it's time to go. Say bye to Everyone," I said as she dropped her head.
"I wanna stay with nugget, mommy," she whined . I looked at Jackie who shrugged her shoulders.
"Next time princess, I have some work to do okay?" She nodded sadly.
"Okay, bye bye nugget. Bye auntie C, by auntie Tip," she said as she hugged them.
"Bye baby girl," I said good bye as well before we all went our separate ways.
"Alright, we're gonna go pick up Deuce and then we're going home for a nap okay baby girl?" I said as I buckled her up.
"Okay mommy. I miss Deucey," she said as I got in the car myself.
"I know babe, I'm sure he misses his best friend too," it was true. Ever since I brought her home from the hospital, Ace and Deuce fell in love. They love her way more than they love y/n and I. I smiled thinking about that day. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn't.

Excuse all errors
- Comment let me know what y'all thinkkkk
- Y'all should've know I wasn't gone leave it off like that. Hehehe🤭😂
A'jah 🫶🏽

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