Chapter 28

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A'ja Wilson
September 13th,2033
Las Vegas, Nevada
"Mama, let me know when you ready to leave," y/n called out as I sat on the bed, typing my shoes. She was in the bathroom putting her contacts in.
"I'm ready whenever you are baby," I responded as I sighed. Deuce came up to me happily tryna jump on the bed.
"Aht! Mama is not having that. She gone get you," I whispered but it was too late as she came out the bathroom.
"Deuce! Get off my bed. See Angel done got y'all spoiled," she said as I laughed. I sat ont he floor, playing with deuce before he plopped onto my lap tired.
"Mommy missed that baby," I cooed, rubbing his belly. When I stoped he sat up and sniffed me Before laying his paw on my stomach my eyes widened as I looked up at y/n. She was cheesing so hard.
"I'm gone cry," I said as she laughed making him move.
"You such a sap. Come on cry baby," she said as she held her hand out to help me up. We were headed to my doctors appointment to confirm my pregnancy. If I'm being one hundred percent honest, if I am don't know if I want to keep it. Don't get me wrong I absolutely want to be a mom, and I love y/n. But the more I think about it it's not the best timing. We've only been dating for a few months, I'm not ready to take a break in my career, nor do I make enough to even do that. And a tiny human is so much responsibility.
"Hey, what you all in your head about?" She asked as she held my hand with one of hers, steering with the other.
"Honestly, just still trying to wrap my head around everything," I told her as she brought my hand up, kissing it.
"Don't think too hard about it baby, let's take it one step at a time, okay?" She said as I nodded. She was definitely right. We pulled up to the obgyn center and got out the car.
"Oh babe, grab my water please, I said as I climbed out the truck.
"Here," we walked in and it was so Dan cold. I swear I hate doctors offices and hospitals.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked as we approached the desk.
"Hi, I have an appointment with dr. Gavins, A'ja Wilson," I said as she nodded typing into the computer.
"Alright, can I just have you fill this out and you can bring it up when your finished. They'll be right out to grab you honey," she said, passing me a clip board. I thanked her and we sat in the waiting area. I filled it out and handed it back to the lady before waiting.
"Hypothetically," y/n started off making me groan.
"Don't say no none sense," I said laughing as she smiled brightly.
"I'm not I'm just trying to see where your mind is. I know I been super excited, but at the end of the day this is more of your decision than mine. If you are pregnant, what do you want to do?" She said just as they called my name. I smiled softly.
"We can talk more in the car," we got up following the nurse and she took my vitals and all that good stuff before the ob came in.
"Hi, how are we doing today?" She asked as she walked in.
"Pretty good, just a little anxious," I said as she chuckled.
"Don't worry that's completely normal. Let's take a look, miss A'ja. Can I just have you pee in this cup, and then we'll have you get undressed waist down and the ultrasound tech will be in do a vaginal ultrasound," she explained. I nodded and took the cup heading to the bathroom. I sighed peeing in the cup and sealing it before coming back to the room. I handed it to her and then she left allowing me to undress.
"They better not be on no freaky shit," y/n mumbled as she was on her phone.
"Relax bae. Gimme a kiss," I said as she sighed leaning to peck my lips.
"Knock knock," the ultrasound tech said before opening the door. I had a sheet draped over me and leaned back.
"Alrighty. So it's gonna be a little discomfort, sort of like a period cramp but a little more intense. Take a deep breath," she said as she inserted the transducer inside of me. I flinched in discomfort, before trying to relax.
"Okay, so here is your uterus, looks pretty good," she started off. I watched the screen as she moved a little. She pressed some buttons on the machine before I could hear rapid thumping.
"Okay here we are. That is a beautifully healthy heart beat. Congrats mom, looks like you're about 12 weeks along," she said as I gasped and the tears started rolling down my face. I sniffled wiping them. There was the finest little black blob, but it was my little back blob.
"That right there is your baby," She pointed out before she removed the transducer and tossed the wrapping.
"I'm sure you're aware of the options you have, however if you'd like to speak with someone, I'd be more than happy to grab Dr. Gavins for you?" She said I shook my head as y/n held my hand.
"Alrighty, I hope you'll have a good day. If you want m, feel free to stop by the desk to schedule your next appointment," she said. I got dressed and we walked to the car in silence.
"Baby, I completely understand if you want to get-," I cut her off.
"I want to keep it. That's if you do?" I said now sure of myself. Once I heard the heart beat it was solidified for me.
"Well I guess we're gonna be parents then," y/n said as she kissed me deeply. I smiled into the kiss.
"I wanna keep this under wraps for a while. Jackie knows, obviously but I don't Want to tell anyone else. Not until I'm out of my first trimester," I said as she nodded.
"You got it baby. We doing this your way," I smiled. Y/n was everything I could want times 1000. I couldn't ask for a better partner and person to bring my baby into this world with.

Excuse all errors
A'jah 🫶🏽

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