Chapter 16

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Y/N Valentine August 1st, 2023Las Vegas, Nevada__________________"Hey stop it! Whew I can't wait till Terri get here

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Y/N Valentine
August 1st, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
"Hey stop it! Whew I can't wait till Terri get here. Y'all working my nerves," I said as Ace, Deuce, and Jaxon rand around doing complete nonsense. I was waiting for Terri to pick them up so I could head to the game. I looked over making sure I had everything all set, and as I did that I heard T's truck pull up. I leashed them all and walked to the door meeting her.
"Hey Y/N. No A'ja today?" She asked looking for her clearly favorite person.
"Nah not today. They all just went the the bathroom so they should be pretty good for the ride, thanks again,"
"Of course! Good luck, go win us that game," she said giving me a small hug. She headed out and I did the same, heading to mandalay bay. I had three days to clear my mind from the Joel situation with A. Even though I was still hurting, I had to put that aside when it comes to work. Today would be my first time seeing her since then as well, so I have no idea how that's about to go.
"Cause I was blind to see that you were right in front of meeeee," I sang as I drove on the freeway. It was hot as literal Hell in Vegas, the temperature sitting at 109 degrees, so I had taken the doors off of my Wrangler. I loved this feeling, I felt so free. My phone went off, a call from Candace.
"Hello? candy imma call you back I'm on the freeway and it loud as hell," I said before hanging up, not bothering to wait for her response. Once I came up off of my exit, I called her back and she answered quickly.
"Hey pumpkin, you at the arena?" She asked as I was pulling in.
"Just pulled up. Why wassup?" I asked as I turned into where our staff parking was.
"Oh I was just asking, I miss y'all. I'm so tempted to scoot my tail over there was watch y'all play," she said as Airr came over putting his face in the camera.
"Hey Goosey Goose. I miss you man," I cooed at the adorable toddler. He waved his little hand making me awe.
"Say hi auntie y/n," Candace said in her mommy voice.
"Goosey tell mom that she better stay home and rest before auntie y/n fight her," I said more to Candace who rolled her eyes and laughed.
"That's what I keep telling her Y/N," Anna said as I laughed.
"Hey Anna! Alright I'll talk to you guys later I gotta get in here before Beck get on my ass," I said waving to them before hanging up. Otw as pretty clear that Candace had become on of my best friends out her in Vegas. Everyone was so nice and we all had a good time together, but her and I just clicked differently. I locked my car, which made me laugh evacuee I had no doors so it was kind of pointless. Before walking into the arena with my things. As soon as I made it to the area, Kris was waiting for tunnel pics.
"We flicking it up today Kris? Hold on lemme get myself together real quick,"

"Fire Y/N!" He said as I smiled thanking him, and continuing into the locker room

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"Fire Y/N!" He said as I smiled thanking him, and continuing into the locker room. When I got there, only Syd, KB, Kiah, Jackie, and Cayla were here.
"Damn where everybody at?" I asked setting my stuff down.
"I think Chels, KP, AC, and Ash are getting their pregame meals, and A, she probably running late,"
"Per usual," we all said in unison, before laughing.
"Y'all tryna be funny whole time I Been here, bookies," I heard that all too familiar voice say. I made accidental eye contact with Jackie who's eyes widened before sighing. I turned around and was met with the most beautiful person ever. I licked my lips looking I've ever outfit.

She looked so fine in this Louis Vuitton tennis skirt fit, and I took a special liking to her wearing my favorite color

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She looked so fine in this Louis Vuitton tennis skirt fit, and I took a special liking to her wearing my favorite color. All I wanted to do was bend her over in this damn skirt. "Anyways, I kinda missed y'all. That lil break was need though, okay?" She said as we all began to have conversations about nothin'. Soon everyone was in the locker room and dressed and we were listening to Becky give her pregame speech and going over out assignments one last time before A broke us down.
"Together on three; one, two, three,"
"Together!" We all said as we clapped.
"Alright let's get it," we walked through the tunnel towards our entry point and A and Chels started our claps.
"Aye! Aye! Aye!" I hyped as Chels looked for her victim. She stopped by Jackie who just knew she was coming for her. She laughed a little, giving us a ponytail flip, and that was it. Before I knew it, we were on the court and they were getting ready to tip off. We were playing Atlanta, so beck started off with a smaller line up consisting of Chelsea, Kelsey, AC, Kiah, and A. We cheered as A and Cheyenne Parker jumped for tip off and A won of course.
"A'ja, She keep trying to get that back door cut, so imma hang out back to cover that. You got me?" I sad as she nodded.
"I got you y/n/n," she said dapping me up. This shit felt so weird. The way we just went back to how things used to be. I hated it for me, but I loved that for our team, cause we owe them nothing but professionalism. The whistle blew and we insisted play, up by eighteen points, seventy-two, fifty-four, with forty-seven seconds left in the third quarter.  We got a few stops, but ultimately they scored. The time expired and we walked to our respective benches.
"KB you coming in?" A'ja asked as she saw her getting up.
"Yeah I got you Y/n," I nodded dapping her up.
"T me up youngin'," I said making her laugh. We still had thirty seconds.
"Hey baby A," I called out as she started up at the screen. She looked down at me, with a look I knew all too well . She was not happy about me calling her that.
"Wassup Y/n,"  she mumbled.
"Come here," I said waving her over.
"Y/n not now,"
"No no listen, They finna trap you next play. Trust me. You get the ball, drive in and toss out to KP. They not gone have coverage on her cause they too busy tryna keep you from driving. Out to KP, and immediately dish  to the boards," I said as she side eyed me.
"How do you know?" She questioned, and that's Jen I knew she want gone listen to me. A'ja could be so stubborn at times.
"I read everything A. Just trust me. I have your best interest at heart," I said, meaning that in game and real life. She scoffed and the ref blew the whistle, alerting us it was tile ti go out. I took KB's spot on the bench, as she check in and they began to play. KP inbounded the ball to Jackie who ran point. She found A who was purposely left open. It's a trap. A caught the ball and for a split second I could see her fight with herself on what to do. I could see Lish, Parker, and Coffey closing in on her. She drove into the lane hard before pivoting and immediately finding KP. Without hesitation, KP launched the three and A ran hard to cover the paint. It was no need though The ball swished through the net as they went the opposite way.
"Yeah KP!" I cheered as I held up three fingers. After a few more plays, with us missing no shots, Atlanta called a time out. Becky talked for a while before A broke us down.
"We got this, it's damn near in the bag. Stay locked in and stay true to us. Alright, together on three; one, two, three," she called out in the huddle.
"Together!" We all said as she smiled brightly. She made eye contact with me and her smile dropped a little but not all the way.
"Thanks," she said as I nodded.
"Always baby A," I said. And I truly meant it. I would always have that girls back no matter what.

Excuse all errors
-Seeee they're cool again 😬😂

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