I'm yet again filled with an embarrassing feeling of the realization I am still very underdressed while all the men and women around me are clothed with nice apparel and accessories.

He gives the receptionist women a smile and nod of his head while we walk towards another elevator.

She grins at him with the same puppy dog eyes as the hostess at the restaurant gave him.

I was always used to girls being flirty with him but after some time it just gets annoying.

The elevator arrives promptly, and we step inside. The walls of this elevator where glass that overlooked the city as it pushed us up towards the designated floor.

"Pretty cool huh?" Cullen laughs clearly seeing how amazed I was.

"Absolutely." I breath out.

It took a few minutes until it seemed as if we were on the tallest floor of the whole building and the sliding doors opened up.

Behind the door was a large office area where at least ten or so people were scrambling around trying to get to somewhere.

We made our way through the rushing people and to an office door with Cullen's name on it.

"Okay just stay in my office and I'll be back shortly." He instructs.

He opens the door and allows me in. On the side of his office was a small grey couch and on the other side was his desk with a computer monitor and some paper spread out.

Cullen closed the door behind me and rushed off leaving me alone in his office.

I took my seat on the grey couch glancing around the small room.

After what felt like hours, I was beginning to get bored and agitated because my best friend was no where to be found.

As the boredom kicked in, I got up from the couch and peaked onto his desk.

At first it was nothing interesting except for some papers, pens, and folders but suddenly my eye catches a red picture frame sitting on the other side of his desk.

Taking the small picture in my hands I study the picture and for a moment I don't recognize the girl in the photo but then it hits me. I'm the girl in the photo.

I almost drop the picture once I realize it's me. You can't see my face, only my bright auburn hair that was tied with a pink ribbon and bare shoulders, but I clearly remember the day this was taken.

Cullen came over to my house after school last year upset because his dream college that he had worked so hard to apply for, refused him. I tried to calm him down, but he was very upset so that day I decided to read my favorite book chapter to him.

I guess I wasn't paying any attention when he took this picture but why did he have it framed on his desk?

Setting the picture back down in its exact position, I glanced over back at the door and couldn't help myself but to go search for him.

If I stayed waiting in that office, I would think myself to death about that picture and that very day it was taken.

I opened the door and there was no longer rushing people and there hardly anyone in the office anymore.

Creeping my way around the hallways of the floor, I made my way around many conners but no sign of Cullen.

Finally, I reached a wide long hallway and on the end of that hallway was two large doors with golden handles.

There was no name or numbers on the door and curiosity overtook me.

Making my way silently down the hall I reached the doors and let my fingertips graze the handles before slowly opening.

Surprisingly, the doors were not locked allowing entrance in.

A let out a small gasp when entered the room seeing it was a large penthouse like office with large windows overlooking the bright city.

There were no lights on, but the room was lit by the city lights entirely.

The heavy door closes behind me as I make my way around the large room studying the layout.

Sat on the left side of the room was a long black velvet couch and a glass coffee table in front. Front and center of the room was a long desk with a few papers and a single pen on it and two chairs sitting in front.

Scanning the room, I try to see if I can find Cullen but there's yet again no sign of him.

As my luck finally runs out, I begin to turn around and that's when those large double doors swing open...

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