
205 22 8

Trigger warning: Mentions of blood,
and Death.

Time seemed to have stretched, every second prolonged to eternity. She couldn't move. Her limbs couldn't move as she stared at the speeding vehicle.

Amrita smiled wide as she stepped onto the accelerator. Her hands gripping the wheel hard as her knuckles turned white. In the midst of the busy city under the blue gloomy sky the sudden screech of the tires echoed causing the people to stop in their tracks.

The bright head lights.

The sharp screeching of the tires.

The menacing grin.

The car collided head on with her stiff frame throwing her off balance by the impact. Her body was thrown onto the bonnet, her head crashing against the windshield with a bone jarring force cracking it into pieces.

The woman behind the wheel stepped on the brakes causing Akira's body to fall on the road with a thud, limp. She was about to speed up the car trying to roll over the girl's body but a teenage boy running towards the girl on the road caused her to stop. She winced hard as she banged her hand against the wheel.

The bystanders who were in a state of shock had started to crowd the car asking the driver to come out. She gritted her teeth and glanced at the lifeless body of Akira. She smiled as she saw the thick fluid trickling down her head.

She snapped back when someone banged the window of the car. Rolling her eyes she quickly reversed the car not caring about the people in close proximity. The bystanders gasped at the audacity.

Mujin roamed around in the parking lot looking for a woman with wheatish skin and a blue dress on. He huffed as he couldn't find her anywhere. He reached for his phone and dialed her number.

His head snapped to the sound of Akira's phone ringing. He turned to see her phone on the ground, its screen cracked. His eyebrows furrowed as he slowly picked up the phone. He suddenly felt restless. Her absence was making him agitated. He quickly jogged out of the building turning his head in all possible directions to get a glimpse of the woman.

His chest started to clench as the time went by. His attention was suddenly grabbed by a crowd in the middle of the road. The people around him were talking about the commotion.

"I can't watch. She is covered in blood." a woman whispered as she closed her eyes away from the sight.

"Thats horrible for such a young girl." another whispered.

"I think I have seen her somewhere."

Mujin slowly walked towards the crowd. He was trying hard to think positive that maybe Akira was among the people surrounding the injured girl, maybe she was being herself and helping out but the rising ache in his chest and his conscious said otherwise.

His heart hammered in his chest, fear gripping his soul as he took small steps to survey the scene. He made his way through the crowd.

The world crashed down on him when came in sight the woman he was looking for but she was covered in blood. In the stretched out seconds that followed, every detail was horrifyingly clear. Her pale skin, blood staining her beautiful face, her eyes shutting. He literally threw the person standing infront of him aside as he ran to her.

His hands shook as he hesitated to touch her. She looked so fragile. He removed his coat making a ball out of it. He slowly lifted her head and placed the coat under it. He gently brought her head onto her lap. He winced when she groaned at the movement. The pain shot up in her head like an erupting volcano.
"H-hey!! Its okay. Yo-you're okay."

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