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It had been four hours and the doctors were still performing the surgery. They weren't even informing them about her condition. Whenever one of them tried to talk to the nurses going in and out of the OT they were ignored. Their restless behaviour was getting to their nerves.

They currently sat on the bench outside the OT. They were glued to their spot, not moving at all, their head hung low elbows on their knees as millions of thoughts whirled in their minds.

Both of them were down to earth since childhood and never really gave money much importance cause they abided by the fact that money doesn't buy happiness. Today they learnt that lesson, they were experiencing that lesson the hard way, that if anything happens to the woman inside their money, their comfortable lifestyle everything will be of no importance. It was meaningless to begin with.

None of them initiated to talk, both having different reasons. Mujin ran a hand through his hair as he sat back. He groaned as his back hurt for being in the same posture for a long time.

"Who were the people who donated blood to her?" Jaison mumbled, his head still hung low.

"The employees from my company." Mujin had called his secretary and asked her to contact as many people as she could and ask for their blood groups. As asked by her boss she made the arrangments as soon as possible. There were total four people with B negative blood group in his company. He asked them all to donate blood just to be on the safer side.

"Give them a raise."

"I already asked my secretary to arrange a month's free vacation for them." Mujin mumbled as he rested his head against the wall, his eyes closed. Both of them were dead tired but refused to move away from the operation theatre. Mujin didn't even bother to wash his hands.


They sat in silence again.

"How did it even happen?" There it was. The question he had no answer to. What should he say?
I was careless enough to leave her alone.

Mujin sighed heavily as he opened his eyes. He blinked hard to regain his focus.
"I- I- I don't know. She wasn't in a good mood so I took her to a museum. While coming back I realised I forgot my keys back inside. I asked her to wait in the parking lot and rushed back. When I came back she was nowhere to be found. I called her but her phone was laying on the floor, screen completely cracked. I ran out to find her-" he paused to gulp the lump in his throat."- I saw a crowd in the middle of the road. I- I thought she- she was among the people but- but she was the one who got hit." His breath hitched as he paused for a moment." I - it feels like a dream, Jaison. I swear she was just infront of me a moment ago and then- then- she-"

Jaison turned to his best friend and patted his thigh.
"Its okay. It wasn't your fault."

Mujin wasn't expecting that reaction. He didn't know what he was expecting but that wasn't it. He had a lot on his mind, a lot to say, a lot to vent but he kept it inside. This was not the time for that and this situation wasn't about him.

"Did you say her phone was cracked?" Jaison asked calmly, his eyebrows slowly scrunching. Looking at Jaison's reaction Mujin too went deep into thought. Her phone was laying in the parking lot. It was cracked. But why?

"Yeah." He whispered. It wasn't setting right with both of them. If she walked out of the building she should have her phone with her and as she strolled on the side walk before she was hit......in the middle of the road? 

Both of them stared into oblivion as the thoughts weighed down on them. Maybe they were being paranoid but something was telling them it was not just a hit and run.

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