My Best Friend

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The word had spread. Mostly, people were satisfied by the result of the court hearing. There could be seen reporters from multiple media houses outside the court to get the new spicy news to their viewers.

A crowd formed near the entrance the moment the accused, now proven guilty were brought out.
They had their heads lowered as they did a walk of shame to the police van.

Jaison held Akira's hand and was about to walk out of the place but stopped when he saw....Kim Jin Wook. The man hadn't moved from his chair, sitting alone in the now empty court room. He wanted to walk away but the gloomy aura of the man gripped him.

"Yo! Lets go." He heard Mujin's voice  behind him.

"You take her outside I'll come in a minute." He turned to glance at the two most important people in his life. Mujin's eyes momentarily rested on the elderly man before going back to Jaison. He understood.

"Don't make us wait for too long." Mujin said before turning to the woman. Jaison had already started walking away.

"Where is he going?" She murmured, eyes still not leaving his figure.

"I Don't know. Hey! There is this amazing ice cream shop. Do you want to go there?" He turned her around by her shoulders and began walking, making her catch up to him.

"What? Now?" She glanced at him.

"Yeah. Its just a walking distance away." He looked at her and wiggled his eyebrows. A grin plastered on his face.

She couldn't help but chuckle.
"Sure, it has been a long time since I had ice cream. Otherwise I had started to get dreams of protein shakes." She laughed at a vague memory." The fridge is like a shopping complex of shakes."


Jaison did not know why he came here. He didn't have anything to say to this man yet he found himself seated beside him. He silently looked ahead not knowing from where to start the conversation.

"What brings you here, young man?" Mr.Kim said softly, his voice strained.

"I don't know." Jaison lowered his head to glance at his hand.
'How are you?' Thats an absurd question. Obviously he is not okay. 'You don't look alright'. 'Can I help you in any way?'

What the hell should I say to him?

"You know, Yoona's mother once told me the importance of nurturing a flower. She said 'when you give it little attention, it becomes lifeless and brittle. When you give it too much attention, then too it dies. Its extremely important to give it the right amount of attention for it to bloom into its finest form.'" He heard Mr.Kim chuckle.
"She wasn't talking about the flower. She knew our fate before we did. Even tried to warn me, yet I was too blind to notice. She knew- the grief in my eyes will engulf Yoona's happiness as well."

"And it did." The man sounded weak and defeated. Jaison silently listened.

"I blame No one but my own self for this. I deeply apologize that you were dragged into this."

"It wasn't your fault." He managed to speak.

"Then who's fault was it? As far as I know, Jaison you are a result of your mother's upbringing, not your father's legacy. Can you be sure enough and say you would have turned out just like this if you had let your father influence you?"

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