First Meet!?

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Akira was currently standing in front of 'Wings Co.'. The tall height of the building intimidated her. Mrs.Kim had apparently adviced her to meet Jaison. So here she was. Mrs.Kim also told her that Jaison wasn't informed about her sudden visit.

Inviting herself into the building, she looked around, taking in her surroundings. She dragged herself towards the receptionist.
"Um, on which floor does Kim Jaison's office reside?"

The receptionist looked at Akira, up and down as if she was judging her appearance. Her outfit was informal.
"What's the purpose of your visit? Do you have an appointment?"
She still maintained her professional tone.

"I -I don't. But Mrs.Kim knows I'm here. You can call her and verify."

Before the receptionist could ask further, the telephone kept on her desk started ringing. She excused herself and took the call.
"Hello- Y-yes - yes mam -sure." Her face radiated nervousness. She slowly placed the receiver on the desk and looked up.
"Its on the 59th floor. The elevator is this way." She signaled her hand in a certain direction.

Akira bowed lightly muttering a small thank you and started walking in the direction of the elevator. The journey to the second last floor felt painfully slow.

What the hell am I going to say to him? It feels extremely awkward to picturise someone as my future husband. What does he look like? Is he good looking? Does he have a beard? Na I don't think so... What if he doesnt like ME? What if he refuses to marry me after looking at me? What if he doesnt like girls of any other origin?

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the ting of the elevator. She timidly steps out of the elevator, flinching slightly when a worker passes by.

As usual Jaison was completely concentrated on the file kept infront of him. A few other files and documents were scattered on the table making it look messy. The sound of him tapping his pen on the file was resonating in the room.
A sudden knock on the door disrupted his focus, but he continued looking down flicking the pen.

"Come in."

A figure entered the room lightly closing the door behind.

"Yes, Ms.Choi?"

"Um- wait what the fuck are you doing here?"
The flicking of the pen stopped. Appalled at the choice of words he looked up. It wasn't his secretary but the coffee girl from the cafe. His eyebrows furrowed.

Will there ever be a time when we meet and not fight for once? But most importantly what was she doing here? And how dare she curse at me in my own office? The audacity.

"Excuse me? 'What am I doing here?' This is my damn office and how did you get inside?"

"I got inside with the help of a pair of limbs." She sassed keeping her hands on her hips."but how did You- WAIT WHAT?"

Jaison's eyebrows scrunched in irritation at her loud voice.

"Did you just say your office?" Her eyes were slowly getting wide.

"Yes." He clenched his jaw. " But that is not the question. How did you-" he abruptly stopped.

"Your name."                        "Kim Jaison."
"Would you like to pay by card or by cash."

"Her name is Akira Sharma and she is indian."

Both of their heads snapped back to look at each other with widened eyes.



Both of them shrieked at the same time.

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