You don't know me?

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It has been two months.
Two months of Mrs.Kim frequently visiting KIM'S DINER. Almost every second day she was seen sitting on table no.4. She had personally requested Akira Sharma to be the one to serve her whenever she was there.

It had certainly isolated Akira more than she already was from the rest of the employees. They had started to assume various things about her. It never really bothered her in the first place. She just went along with whatever the manager asked her to do.

At first she was reluctant to make small talk with Mrs.Kim but as time went by she had started to look forward to the lady's arrival. Gradually they started to talk in a more informal way. Mrs.Kim treated her very nicely. She even forced Akira to sit and talk otherwise the girl would just stand like a robot. Sometimes Mrs.Kim spent hours in the restaurant. They had become more like two best friends talking after a long tired day. It didnt seem like something Akira would do but she herself was surprised that in the lady's presence her head strong image had started to fall loose.
Akira was asked to bring something to eat for herself too as she refused to order anything from the place she works at.

She couldn't help it. Every time she ate her favourite korean snack her mind always drifted back to the incident at the convenient store.

No doubt he was rude but did he manage to look so breathtaking in fucking pajamas..??

Akira had set boundries, she didnt open up to Mrs.Kim about her personal life and the lady respected that.

"I have been experiencing back pain for a while now." said Mrs.Kim, cutting a piece of her french toast and putting it in her mouth in an agile manner.
If it were two months back, Akira would have cringed at the scene but she had realised that grace and elegance was something rich people had to exercise even if they were away from public eye. Some were used to that lifestyle, some were humbly devoted towards it while the others practiced it for the sake of their high profile image.
Mrs.Kim belonged to the first category.

"Have you experienced menopause?" Akira interrogated.


"Osteoporosis." Akira said playing with the pen in her hands.

"Pardon?" Mrs.Kim gave her a confused look.

"You clearly dont exercise, are not fat and dont lift weights."she looked up from the pen" the only factors left are aging, mental illness and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is common in menopausal women and can increase the risks of fracture. The spine's vertebrae can develop painful breaks if the bones become porous or brittle."

Mrs.Kim looked at her with a black expression.
"English please." she said putting another piece into her mouth.

Akira's face twitched. She wanted to throw a sarcastic remark at the lady in front of her but controlled her tongue.

"In simple words , start doing yoga, maintain your posture all the time which you actually do. You can also take OTCs and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the pain."

"That sounds way too much information for someone who studies medicine for fun, that too on your own." Mrs.Kim finished her dish and cleaned her mouth with a napkin.

"That information isn't even enough to become a receptionist in a hospital." Akira scrunched her face.

Mrs.Kim giggled and lifted her hands in the air.
"You get offended easily, dont you?"

"You really act like a child, Mam." Akira lowered her head pinching her nose bridge, hiding a smile.

"How many times have I asked you to not call me that?"

LOYALTYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora