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"The Press Conference will start in about an hour, Sir."

"I will be there, Ms.Choi . Thank you." Jaison said loosening his tie.
The secretary bowed her head and walked out of the room, closing the door behind to give the mother-son duo some privacy.

He removed his tie and opened his cuff buttons. Mrs.Kim quietly watched him. He walked towards his mother sat on the couch and layed his head on her lap. His body sprawled on the couch.

"Exhausted already?Its barely 10am." Mrs.Kim started making different patterns on his scalp.

"My head is throbbing again. I think I really need that coffee again." He said as his body started to relax as a reaction to his mother's actions.

"What coffee?"

"I went to a cafe in the morning. And Ms.Trouble gave me some coffee."

Mrs.Kim's eyebrows crashed at the nickname.
"Anyway, what were you doing there last night?" He asked, hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Hm. I told you. I was there to meet someone."

"Who?" He asked, his eyes closed.

"The girl I told you about."
He opened his eyes and stared at her.

"That was two months ago, Mum." He was surprised. His mother had been meeting the same person for that long?

Mrs.Kim was a member of various kitty parties. All the rich women, wives of business people, politicians and actors were a part of it. Mrs.Kim didn't want to be a part of those parties but were forced to attend those. She did try to think of it as something good, that she would finally be away from her wrecked life but it didn't turn out good. She always ended up being uncomfortable. She tried making friends with a few women there but the longer she stayed and listened, the more spineless those ladies turned out to be. So she stopped. She stopped making long term friends. Talking to those new people for a few hours was enough.


He broke the eye contact. He sat up on the couch and looked at his mother squarely.

"What's so special about her?" He blurted out, sounding a bit jealous. He knew he was being an A-hole for that. He should be happy for her. But he couldn't help it. There were only a few numbered people in his life that he could hold onto. He didn't want them to be drifted away from him.

Mrs.Kim chuckled. "Stop acting like a child."

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes , you are shithead." Jaison threw his tie towards Mujin. The guy had barged in silently without knocking.
The boy skillfully caught the tie, hanging it around his neck.
"Oh my, You look like a prince."
Mrs.Kim stood up from the couch, excited to meet him after a long time.

Mujin had apparently changed his hair colour to blonde. True, he looked nothing less than a prince in an all red suit with a white buttoned up shirt underneath and a black coloured tie. The heels of his shiny leather boots made him look taller.

Mrs.Kim and Mujin spent a long minute hugging, asking about each others life and talking like long lost best friends who were reunited.
Jaison was awkwardly standing besides the couch, feeling left out, also admiring the most important people in his life.

"Just a gentle reminder, she is my mother." He walked forward,Snatching his tie back and rearranged it around his neck.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down my boi." Mujin raised his hands in the air.
Mrs.Kim giggled, admiring the two.

"By the way, what were you guys talking about?" Mujin leisurely sat on one of the two chairs infront of the desk.

"A girl who has imprinted on mum." Jaison rolled his eyes as he tried to iron his blazer with his hands.

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