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Mrs.Kim followed Akira into the kitchen. Suddenly, uncertainty and nervousness taking over her features.
"Um, Sweety?" She awkwardly scratched her forehead.

Akira sensed her hesitation and turned around giving the lady her full attention.
"What is it?"

"I know this is going to sound authoritative but-"

"Its okay. Go ahead." Akira's gentle tone gave her a little confidence.

"After the marriage you will become a part of our family. Our lifestyle is very different from yours. High class families practice a lot of things that are laughable  but it is what it is. So in order for you to fit in, you will have to change your lifestyle. I had to change mine too. At my parents house I was free to do whatever I wanted but after marriage I had to become what I am today." Mrs.Kim tried to smile through the pain that came with the flashbacks of her past.

"Arranged marriage?" Akira didnt mean to ask something too personal but it slipped from her tongue.

"Huh? Oh, it was arranged. For him." She looked away trying to control her breathing.

Akira nodded her head lightly. She didnt investigate further. She didnt want to open any old wounds." So, what am I suppose to change?" She tried to change the topic.

"Ah, it includes your clothing style, your posture, way of speaking and-"

"I understand! I get it. I have to change everything. Im ready to do it all. Well, if -if you guide me" she rubbed the back of her neck." I don't think I can do it on my own."

"I thought you would get offended." Mrs.Kim breathed a sigh of relief." And of course, I'll help you. But we don't have much time. After the wedding you will have to attend a lot of gatherings together with Jaison. So we just have 30 days."

Akira pursed her lips and rolled her eyes at the mention of Jaison.
I seriously cant believe that i'm gonna marry that arrogant ass.

"What's with that reaction?" Mrs.Kim asked curiously.

"Are you sure that he is your son? I highly doubt that."

"Hey, thats mean. Why would you say that?" Mrs.Kim chuckled involuntary.
"Was your first meet with him that bad?"

"It wasn't the first time we met."

The lady furrowed her eyebrows at the statement.

Suddenly, the door bell rang interrupting the two. Akira's feet moved on their own. Her heart started beating faster. The anticipation of seeing her brother freely without the fear of the psycho watching them was making her adrenaline spike.

She rushed to open the door.

There he was.
Both of them stood like statues looking at each other. Tears had started to pool in their eyes. They had finally tasted freedom. No one out there was waiting to torment them anymore. The feeling was so foreign but it definitely was addicting. They felt relieved that they didnt have to go back to that painful life filled with agony.

In the blink of an eye, they lunged forward and enveloped each other in a bone crushing hug. The relief that crossed Akira's heart that her little brother was finally free from years of torture made her hug him harder.

Aryan was taller and bigger than his sister but in her strong hold, he felt safe.
An involuntary giggle left his lips while tears still poured down his eyes.

Akira broke the hug and attacked his face with multiple kisses. She didnt care about the two police officers at the door and the lady in the living room who looked at them with empathy. Akira wanted to just shower him with the love he was deprived of.

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