The Impact

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Side eyes and murmurs.

Akira was receiving side eyes and murmurs from the people around her. It was 6 in the evening and as usual she was there to do her job. The unusual part was her swollen cheek and bruised lip. She was too tired and engrossed in her thoughts to acknowledge the stares. The site was unpleasant. It wasn't actually hideous or disgusting to look at but the place she was in required everyone to look perfect.

Due to her appearance, she wasn't allowed to take orders from the customers. If the middle classes waitresses were making her feel so repulsed with herself, the high class customers would do much worse. So she was being a helping hand in the kitchen.

Mrs.Kim on the other hand was sitting on her usual seat, engrossed in her phone. She was watching the press meet of her son, that was circulating all over Busan. It was her 5th time watching it. He looked so fragile and brittle. If Mujin had not pulled him out of the hall, he definitely would have gotten a panick  attack. How could the reporters be so heartless and pounce on him like that?

She sighed and kept her phone down when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

"You have no idea-" Mrs.Kim stopped, tilting her head in confusion.
The waitress cleared her throat. " I will be serving you for tonight, Mam."

"Where is Akira?" she knew the girl wouldn't take an off. Akira might not have opened up about her life but the lady had a brief idea - Akira was struggling for money. Many people suffered from the lack of money but only a few of them would keep their self esteem and not lick the shoes of the rich to get that money. Instead they earned it.
Akira was one of those few.

The waitress was not instructed properly and the nervousness oozing out of her body was pointing at the fact that something was wrong. She didn't know whether to create a lie or tell the truth.
"She doesn't look- feel well." it wasn't a complete lie though. The girl looked so guardless, must have gone through something traumatic.
Mrs.Kim had picked up the words.

Sbe was skeptical. She took a deep breath ." Please tell me the truth and i'll make sure no body questions you."

And here she was, standing in the store room just behind the kitchen. Akira had refused to meet Mrs.Kim in the main arena. So Mrs.Kim did a quick walk to the place where she was. When the waitress informed her 'she looks horrible. It seems like someone had beaten her', it made the lady's palm sweat. She wanted to see the girl at once. Such a strong willed girl was......abused?

Akira was standing in front of her, looking at her feet. She did not have the courage to look in the eyes of the lady who had treated her with kindness. Mrs.Kim's attitude towards her was always unhypocritical. In the last 7 years, Akira was not privileged to have a friend nor did she drain much of her energy to make one. They would always talk behind her back.

She was alone.

No one to talk to, no one to share her feelings with. She had bottled it all up. The moment she was out of her work place her mouth would be sealed, even inside her apartment not a single word would escape her lips. She had become completely silent. She doesn't even remember the last time she cried.
After so many hardships, she gained something for her own good.

A friend. Mrs.Kim!

A person who accepted her for who she was. She was truly grateful to talk to her, even if it was utter bullshit they talked about but it made her feel happy. Relieved.

She did not want to let her down, not while looking so hideous and disgraceful. She feared that she would lose her.

The incident from the morning was crystal clear in her head. She was shaken down to the core. Her entire body trembled and shuddered, recalling her aunt's psychopathic behaviour. That woman was truly a lunatic. But what made her feel devastated was that she realised it too late. Her little brother was living under the same roof as that madwoman. It made her restless. How could she be at peace, finally realizing the extent of the things her aunt could do?

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