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"She left when I was 18. Years past by in the blink of an eye. We never missed reading each others messages and replied back with tons of paragraphs. The distance between us didn't bite me as long as I thought we both were equally engaged in this but with time her replies became short, the number of emojis she used reduced. Sometimes I even felt that she was ignoring me on purpose. So I started calling her frequently." He sighed." I did not want to lose her. I was ready to do anything to make this work. I wanted to go to Germany myself but I was setting up my business here. I couldn't leave it here knowing my own father was ready to destroy my hardwork any chance he got." He rested his head on Akira's chest. He looked so tired and exhausted.

"The first time around when she picked my call, the happiness that filled my heart had no bounds. Her voice had changed a bit, mine did too. Unlike her dry texts she seemed equally delighted to talk to me...... We video called one time." He chuckled dryly against her neck." She was so shocked to see me taller than before. I was thin like a stick back in school so it was kinda shocking for her to see me healthy and with a body...She looked thinner than before. She wasnt even showing her face throughout the entire call. It drained my mood. I wanted to see her so badly. I asked her multiple times to bend a little to atleast let me get a peek but she didnt. I think i was 23 or something back then. Our calls used to end on a good note. So I thought everything was alright and before I knew I was already 25."

He forced a large amount of air into his lungs before speaking further." Her texts, phone calls, emails everything suddenly stopped. Entirely. I tired my hardest to contact her but it was all in vain. I didn't even have her father's number. I started to become depressed. That was the time when I already knew Park for a year or so. He helped me like always without even trying. His company gave me something to indulge myself with. I didn't spend my entire day thinking of why she was doing it. Those thoughts used to eat me like a plague. What if she lost interest? What if she is tired of me? What if she gets annoyed of me pestering her? But I used to push those thoughts away thinking that 'My Mirae' was never like that. She was responsible. She must have a solid reason behind this. "

"Then one day I recieved another email. It said she was returning back to korea. At first I thought it was a joke but it wasn't. She actually was coming back and I couldn't be happier. Suddenly all the thoughts of her ignoring me vanished into thin air. It didn't matter to me anymore. My only concern was I would get to see her again. I was on cloud nine."

Akira felt a wave of goosebumps running down his body. She tilted her head lightly to glance at him. He stared into the wall ahead too consumed by his own thoughts. She lifted her hand to tap his cheek lightly. He snapped out flinching in the process.

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern." Should we stop here?"

"I'm fine." He sighed again." Anyway, the day she was suppose to arrive in Korea came by. I ditched my work. I wanted to recieve her myself."

The airport was filled with the people who were going to leave the country and the people who just arrived. The woman on the speaker informed about the arrival of the flight from Germany.

Jaison fidgeted with his tie, nervous. He held the banner in his hands and walked near the departure exit of the airport.

He hadn't seen her for 8 years. Millions of thoughts roamed in his mind.

What would she look like now? Would she even recognise me? Hell, would I recognise her? Would I still look good in her eyes? I still remember her promise. I won't disappoint her.

'I waited for you. I would have waited for years more if I got you in the end.' He thought to himself smiling in the process.

Did she grow taller or is of the same height? Did she take care of her health and regained a good body weight? She would still look the most beautiful woman in my eyes.

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