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"Hello! Mr.Park, Is Jaison with you?" She didn't even give the man the time to greet her and spoke in a restless voice.

Why wouldn't she be worried? There was no sign of the man she loved since the last 48 hours. She did not have the guts to call Mrs.Kim anymore. The cold glare the lady gave her sent chills down her spine. Never in her entire life did she expect that woman to turn into someone so unapproachable. Her aura screamed one thing she didn't have the guts to do- 'Stay away from my son'.

"What? No, he isn't. What happened? Is everything okay?" He grew worried.

"Everything's fine." She spoke impatiently and quickly cut the call not wanting to entertain his interrogation.

With each passing second her heart hammered in her chest. There was no other way to contact him. His phone was switched off. His mother and best friend did not know his where abouts.
"Where are you, Jaison?"


Yoona looked at the empty seat with raised eyebrows. It was surprising to see Jaison being late for work. She wasn't the one to wait for someone merely for a meeting but found herself sitting calmly with her back rested against the comfort of the chair.

Jaison had gained her respect by expanding his company so much in just 3 years. She remembers the first time he was given the chance to speak in a collaborate meeting. She didn't pay attention to him back then but surely remembered everything that followed after.

Yoona met Jaison a few months before his current girlfriend came back from Germany. He had found her crying in her car. She cried to her heart's content screaming aloud not aware of a concerned pair of eyes staring at her.

She had failed her father yet again. There was nothing that haunted her more than his disappointed eyes.

This time she had tried. She really tried her best without using any unfair means to live up to his expectations. She didn't get anything but a blank face from him.

She might be a Bitch to others, might be the rich spoiled brat with no care about others but there was nothing she craved more than being acknowledged by her father.

Suddenly someone knocked on the window of her car, startling her. He bent a little to show his face dripping with worry. She was surprised to see someone in the parking lot. There were barely any cars around. She quickly wiped her face, her cheeks turning red due to embarrassment.

'What a great day!' She thought to herself.

She lowered her window when he did not move from his spot but she did not meet his eyes. Was he going to mock her? Someone had witnessed her crying, being vulnerable. Was he going to make fun of her?

"Did it help?"

"What!?" She asked right after. She locked gazes with him and was met with serene softness she had never come across.

"Did the crying help ease whatever you were feeling?" She was dazed while looking into his eyes." Ms.Kim?" She abruptly looked away from him, blinking harshly.

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